soo-won x reader p2

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Sooo soo-won and author chan don't like each other verry much sooo let's hope for the best

(Your POV)

You where talking to soo-won who had told you that you can just call him by his name what you did with hesitation but still did because you saw it as an order after thar you said your goodbyes and made your way to the place you hated the most THE KITCHEN. You where an OK cook but the kitchen would look like a battlefield after you where donne the other cooks saw that and where kinda well pissed about it so they asked you to be transfered to the stables.

( time skipu)

'Damn this is better' you though OK the smell wasn't the best but you worked with animals and your brother would often be there so it was much better than the kitchen where everyone hated you.

"Hey is that horse ready hak and prince soo-won want to train their archery" one of your college's said as you brought a unfamiliar horse to the training ground where you saw hak and soo-won

Soo-won lit up as he saw you
"Why aren't you in the castle anymore ?" He asked

"Well I got transferred to the stables but I like it better here " you smiled at him.

"Ow that sad I missed talking to you " he said in a sad tone.

(Hak POV)

'Soo-won is a trusty man I can tell him that (y/n) is my sister'

"Hey soo-won what are you talking to my sister" I said and the look on his face was priceless.

He stood wide eyed and looked at me then at (y/n) and then back at me .

" sorry but you two look nothing alike ?." He asked in confusion.

After that we explained that we are adopted and gramps took us in so we are actually from higher status but gramps wanted us to live a simple life so we took on normal jobs

( time skipu and to soo-wons POV)

I was back at my castle ( idk but where he lives ) and thought about what hak said ...that means its allowed that I could marry her she is a member of the family of the wind clans leader.

That's it! I'm going to ask mundok if I can marry her!

I ran out to the stables and saw my advisor kye sook ( SORRY THAT GUY IS HOT AF WHY ARENT THER MORE ONESHOTS OF THAT HOTTY )

I ran out to the stables and saw my advisor kye sook ( SORRY THAT GUY IS HOT AF WHY ARENT THER MORE ONESHOTS OF THAT HOTTY )

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.


He looked at me and asked why I was in such a hurry

" I'm going to the wind clan " I said that and took off I heard him say something but ignored it and got on my horse and sped off .

( time skipu to windclan many timeskipus today oof )

I waited in mundoks office he was on a meting but should arrive soon.

" hello soo- won wat brings you here you usually only visit the castle?" He asked

I always saw mundok as a great man and knew he would get straight to the point.

" I want to ask if I could marry ( y/n) sir mundok?" I asked with a licht bow as I raised up I saw that he was surprised.

" why and how do you know that she is related to me ?" He asked shocked that I knew

" hak told me and at the castle we had some bonding time I really enjoyed her company and wish I can forever be with her if you allow it sir ?" I asked again

" well you don't have to ask me but (y/n) I have no control if she wants to marry you or not its only up to her but I will give you my blessing if she wants to marry you " he said while patting my head .

" thank you sir " I said with a smile and made my way to the castle to asked her.

( guess what .....)

( another time skipu )

I made my way to the stables and saw (y/n) brushing a horses main as I walked over to her she noticed me and smiled.

I got on one knee and looked at her I saw the confusion on her face

" (y/n) I know this is sudden andi don't want to scare you but do you want to become my bride" I asked straight to the point like hak or mundok would do.

There was a long silencebut then I heard a soft crying sound. I looked up to see tears but not the one of sadness but happiness

" yes yes yes I would love to be your bride !!" She said while hugging me.

I turned to her and gave her the kiss I longed to give her as she returned it I heard clapping we looked where it came from and saw hak.

" if you hurt her I will kill you my prince " he chuckled but congratulated us

After that the word spread like willed fire everyone was happy that it finally happened .....except 1 person

( meanwhile somewhere in the castle )

" did you hear prince soo-won is engaged to (y/n) she is one of mundoks adopted children isn't that a fairy tale ending don't you think" one of the maids said passing by the chamber of princess yona.

.....a schreek could be heard in the whole kingdom by a angry defeated princess who learned that she can't get everything in life

The end

(A/n) I hope you liked the second part of your request GloryMidNight sorry it took me so long
My next projects will be
Sinbad x reader
Dazai x reader
Giyuu x elf reader p2
Karma x reader

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