21. Memories \part 1\

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Warning; not edited

'Brother.... well, him finding my whereabouts was a matter of time. But why did he kill father?'

The questions rises in Bethany's head every time she thinks about something. Two days passed since she came here and she can move her body perfectly fine but pretending to still under effects of the poison. The reason is simple.

She's testing those three girls.

Anna is a gambler. As long as it's something interesting and unpredictable she'll jump into it. But there's no telling what she'll do next. For her own pleasure she can betray them without looking back.

Sarah is someone who betrayed her before. She can still do that again. Bethany knows Anna and Harley lied about their plan for the sake of Sarah.

Harley is the only one who's safe but just like Sarah and him she might betray her too.

'Why is it that every time I decide to believe someone they always end up backstab me?' She whispered to herself.


"Hello girl! Who are you? Why're you here?" The boy with a messy brown hair shouted from the top of the tree towards the little girl who is reading book underneath it's shadow.

The only large wood that's located in Silvain family's garden surrounded by big thick walls. There's grass and flowers but no trees expect from the one they're playing around.

"To read" the girl answered quietly. Actually today her father and brother rewarded her for doing a good job and gave her a day to rest.

She was reading one of the famous fairy tales called Rapunzel. It's the only picture book she has so even though she read it almost hundreds of time she never got bored of it.

"Are you the only daughter of this house?" He asked again as he jumped skillfully from the top of the three. Unlike the girl sitting in the shadows, the boy was shining together with the sun.

"Mhm" she nodded, still staring at her book.

"What's your name?"

"I don't have one"

"Eh, that's so weird. You must have one. Then what people call you?"

"Father and brother usually call me Icy"

"Hahaha, you sure have strange name. I'm Nathaniel Frost. From now on I'll be working for your family with my parents. I think we'll meet quite often" he smiled. For a girl who usually stays alone in her room, his presence was bothering her.

Because he was shining too brightly it was hard for her to stay together with.

However it wasn't a bad feeling.

"What're you reading?" He asked again.


"Wow, you're childish than you look. Why're you reading such a boring book?" He said as he leaned closer to her. Somehow she felt warmth from his body she never felt before.

"It's the only interesting book I've" She answered calmly and flipped it's page.

"Well, that's boring too. I'm so bored because there's no one I can play with. At school I had a lot of friends..."

"You go to school!!?" She asked with her eyes wide open. She wanted to try school from the day she heard about it from her nanny but her father didn't allow it saying it's too dangerous and unnecessary for her knowledge.

"I was. But not anymore because I've to stay here all the time till I grow up. I'll become a powerful assassin just like your brother. You see, he's my idol. If only I got a chance to work with him.." Nathaniel talked about those things happily as his blue eyes brightened with hope.

"Having a dream must be nice" she muttered.

"You're right. Ah, you're his sister right? Can you please introduce me to him? I really want to meet him" he begged, grabbing her hand in the process.

"I refuse" she muttered. Not because she doesn't want to help him, because her brother will punish her again for talking with other people.

"Please~ I really want to meet him. Aren't you my friend?"

"No. I met you only few minutes ago. You're not a friend" she said coldly before getting up, trying to leave.

"Then let's be friends. And if you consider me as your real friend then let me meet him" Nathaniel grabbed her wrist this time, stopping her from walking any further.

His eyes were irresistible. For a moment the girl struggled to escape from his grasp but she couldn't refuse.

Unlike her he has a dream, true goal. Maybe receiving a small punishment from her brother is nothing compared to his dream.

With a lot of hesitation she nodded.

That was her biggest mistake.



Well I am back but I still don't have new phone. However I will update at least once a week.

Please check my other books if you're interested. Thanks for reading.

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