2. First love in prison

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"Oh shit! There's no way I'm eating this crap. It doesn't even look like a dog food. Even dog food is better than this" Justin complained from the other side of the room. Bethany agreed everything he was talking. This thing in the bowl is even worse than dog food but it was still edible to her.

In her opinion someone as sinful as her doesn't deserve good food. But looks like the guy next to her doesn't think same as her.

"You should eat to stay alive. Just gulp it down without tasting it" she said and just did as she said. Just like it's look, it tastes shitty as expected. Bethany was having a hard time gulping it but the little bowl of food ended after five or six gulps.

"Oh shit! COUGH!! Cough!!"

His voice continued so many times and it made a lot of noise, causing the female guard from earlier to come and check him.

"Hahaha, serves him right? looks like our former mafia leader is having a hard time~" she laughed heartlessly before leaving him and Bethany in silence. Bethany knew he just came here today but she didn't know he was a mafia leader. For god's sake he's the only reason why her parents died.

It's not like she cared about them anyway.

The girl truly pitied the now quiet man because he was such a big shot. He probably grew up in comfortable place and lead most dangerous people without any fear despite being in a young age. The symbol of war is now being mocked by a mere guard. What a cruel destiny.

"You can laugh at me too if you want" he mumbled softly after that. It sounded so childish even though he is freaking mafia.

"For what?"

"huh? well, for ughh... I dunno. You're really hard to talk with" he chuckled again and continued. "People are laughing at me because I fell into this situation from that above. It's so pathetic. Don't you think so?"

"No. What I'm feeling isn't pity. I think I'm jealous of you" Bethany answered softly like she was still guessing her true feelings. Justin's voice become quiet after that. Perhaps he thought she was weird but after a while a soft laughing voice reached her ears.

"Y-You're so unpredictable. Why're you jealous of me?"

"Because you'll be in history books?" she ended her words in a questioning manner. He burst into laugh once again. It was the exactly same answer he said a few moments before. It seems like she is trying to comfort him because he said being in history is cool.

"It's pointless if you die afterwards, ya know?


"Because death is the end of everything"

"How do you know? Did you die before?"

Now that she asked it his confident answer felt stupid. No one knows what happens after death but he just answered without hesitation, making fool of himself in front of a girl.

"Of course not. Actually I'll die very soon"


"Next month. Will you miss me if I leave you?" he asked hopefully. For the first time in his life his heart was beating so fast like he actually confessed to the girl he loves. She took a bit of time to answer, making it even more hard for him to wait.

"I dunno. I just met you"

He felt stupid again. There was a little disappointment in his chest but he decided to ignore it. After all no one misses someone they just met. Expect from him though.

When he first saw Bethany, she looked so cute. He couldn't see her eyes due to her long bangs, but he can tell she's a beauty just by looking at. But he didn't think much of it because there's no good person in a place like this. However after talking with her for a while he learned that she possess no social skills or two face.

Then a brilliant idea popped in his head. He decided to give his MP3 and headphones to her through the thing that looks like a small window.

"What is this?" she asked after seeing it on the small window that's connecting them.

"I'm giving you this as a present for our first meeting. And I'll give you one gift a day so that you'll miss me after I went" He said happily as Bethany stared at that thing curiously. It's the most unexpected thing she could see in a place like prison. As expected of a mafia's former leader.

She turned it on and soft music started playing. It was peaceful and helped her to distract herself from all the crazy noises other prisoners are making. It was the first and most amazing gift she has recieved.

"Thank you, Justin" she said and smiled a little but sadly everything expect from her voice is invisible to Justin. But he can tell from her voice she liked it.

"You're welcome" Justin also smiled. It was a real one. He smiled from his heart and proud of himself for making her happy. The same girl he saw walking through the hallway with a face without any emotion.

Who would guess you'll meet your first love in prison.

One present a day [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now