8. Bird in a cage

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The familiar soothing voice called her from the darkness. Maybe this voice would sound nice to others but it was still disturbing.

It's the nickname only her family uses. She's a bit well known in underworld with this nickname but no one other than her family dares to call her that. Perhaps people don't call her that because they never get a chance to meet her.

"Get up, Icy"

This voice called her once again as she slowly raised her body from the cold white floor tiredly. Even after sitting straight her hair was still touching the floor.

There was shackles on her wrist and ankles. However it didn't trouble her that much but there was certain strange feeling that she belongs to this place without no freedom.

She was shivering because of the low temperature and slim clothes she's wearing.

She stared blankly towards the owner of the voice, her brother. The eldest son of the family, an important person she must be obedient to.

"Why didn't you kill that boy?" her brother asked coolly as he walked closer step by step. The little girl on the floor, who is only 11 or 12 years old tried to stay away from him as far as possible. Sadly those shackles weren't helping at all.

"I-I'm sorry. It's just h-he was a child and..and..." she stuttered nervously. But not from fear but the face of that 5 years old kid, who stared at her widely in horror as if he was looking at a real monster.

Everyone would be same if their parents were killed in front of their eyes. She couldn't bring herself to hurt that innocent looking child. She tried to save him by hiding him under the table which didn't work. Her brother found the boy and killed him immediately.

As consequence she's in 'punishment room'. She'll be staying in this white room for three days without food and will recieve whipping from her brother or father. It'll only depend on their mood whether she'll hurt more or not.

Unfortunately it looks like he's not in good mood judging from the long iron whip he's holding.

"Did you fall for him? Did you decide to disobey me for that weak, pathetic thing?" His voice sounded like a whisper. That wild fire in his eyes burned more as he got more close to her and kneeled down, facing her.

"No Steve, I won't disobey you" she answered confidently unlike the last sentence she spoke.

"Listen here, Icy..." he whispered and reached his arms on both of her shoulders, making her unable to move her body expect from her head.

"You're our family treasure. You've talent and looks. Maybe some day you'll surpass me too. However if you try to betray our family or me..." he hugged her tightly as he put her hair behind her ear and whispered:

"I'll break your legs just so that you can't leave us"


The sound of tocsin can be heard everywhere from the prison as the red warning light brightened her dark room.

She opened her eyes slowly not knowing what's happening as she sighed in relief. Her body was sweating badly from the all struggling in her dreams which she thought was reality.

"He's not here...calm down. He's not here.." she mumbled as she sat on the mattress, experiencing huge trauma of that day.

The noise of tocsin didn't help her at all as she wondered what's going on. Did Stephen escape successfully and now they're searching for him? If that's the case she will be glad. Therefore he's someone capable of bringing even flowers and headphones inside so she didn't doubt his abilities.

She stared blankly towards the door, which is now open.

'So that's why there's a huge uproar around the hallway' she thought to herself as she slowly walked, getting closer to her freedom she was yearning for. But once she steps out of this door her safety will decrease.

There's an important secret she didn't tell Stephen or anyone, which her sole reason why she doesn't want to leave this place.

Her family is still alive.

The people Stephen killed was just a puppets who were willing to sacrifice their lives to the sake of Silvain family. They acted like them and got killed during the process.

It gave her a lot of chance to go outside. She doesn't have password, money or social skills. Then she thought of a brilliant idea that can protect her from anything. Well, not anything but it can still protect her from her crazy family.


Even if it was Silvain family or Lewister family they can't just attack a prison and destroy it. Specially the prison she's in is the most secure place. 'Lessen her sin' was just a pathetic excuse she made up to make Stephen stay away from her.

Sure, he did a lot of good things to her but if her family ever find out he'll...

She was sure Stephen unlocked all doors on purpose just to make her leave this place.

"I'm sorry" she said to particularly no one and closed the door. Once it's close it won't open again.

Until peace come find her she'll lock herself in this dirty room just save whatever little freedom she has. She won't kill or hurt anyone anymore. Even if it's rough way, even if she has to end her life to escape she'll sacrifice everything just to live in peace.

She wished fortune for her first, one and only friend as she stared towards the little hole on the wall, that had been connecting them for a long time.

She'll choose this cage rather than her home, which is actually the most horrible, cruel and small cage in her eyes.

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