14. His victory, her loss

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"Do you feel lonely when you're alone?" The familiar voice asked but she couldn't see the face of that person. But she knows who it is.

"I don't. Actually being alone is peaceful and you don't have to worry about anything" she answered but it wasn't her intention to answer. Then realization hits her that this is a dream of a past.

"Then do you hate being together with me?" He asked again. Now she remembered when it happened. It's few weeks ago when she was still in ED quarter, spending days talking with Stephen. Then she heard herself answering.

"Of course not. You're the only person I enjoy being together"

"Ughh.." Bethany groaned out in pain and opened her heavy eyelids slowly, greeted by blinding white lights of unknown ceilings. She tried to move but somehow she couldn't even turn her head.

"W-what did I do?" She mumbled quietly after knowing the situation she's in. She was in unknown laboratory table, her wrists, head, legs, ankles held by something to prevent her from moving.

Then she remembered the huge chaos she caused after stabbing Harley with a spoon.

"24 guards and 5 prisoners including your two dear friend..." the same voice from her dream chuckled from next to her but she couldn't see her because of something on her head. The only thing she could see was ceilings.

Not understanding why she suddenly went on a rampage she wanted to ask but her voice didn't work. There was something around her mouth so she couldn't mutter a single word.

"The medicine was effective than I thought. All thanks to you.. Anna"

This one sentence from him explained her situation a little bit but the name he mentioned afterwards was still unknown.

"No problem. As long as you can get me out of this hell I'll help ya catch your lil girl" the girl he mentioned spoke from the other side. She couldn't see her but she had a little accent in her tone which means she's a foreign person. Observing from her way of talking she guessed she's from Japan. It's a skill she learned after spying on people she must kill so many years.

"So how do you feel?" His attention turned back to Bethany.

"Oh right you can't talk. Here, let me release this" he said and release rope on her mouth. Bethany gasped for air for several seconds. From the looks of it she must've been like this for many hours.

"What did you do to me?"

"Nothing. Just a little bit medicine that can make you turn into real monster. So how does hurting the ones you love feel? No, you probably don't love them. They're just small flies after all"

His words were driving her insane. She can clearly remember everything started after bumping into some strange girl and she felt sharp pain on her leg then stabbed Harley's hand and...

Attacked everyone close to her.

The person she hurt the most was Sarah. After kicking that female guard, Sarah hugged her to calm her down. But that was the foolish mistake person could make in front of her crazy state. Bethany kicked and bite her neck, stabbed her back with the fork she grabbed from one of the table.

But Sarah didn't give up nor release her. She hugged until Bethany calmed down and they both passed out. Of course Bethany also recieved few bullet with sleeping pills in it and some electric shocks from guards. That's the reason why her body is aching all over.

"Still processing?" His voice interrupted her thoughts. There was a guilt in her chest. But thankfully somehow she didn't kill anyone.

"Where are they?"


"Sarah and Harley. Where are they?"

"Ask something different..." he muttered angrily, his bright expression changed into something scary. He looked like he was ready to kill someone which caused Anna to quietly get out of there before she became his target.

"Where are they?" Bethany asked fearlessly.

"Aren't you interested about your condition? Or why I'm here or where you are? Why are you caring about them? You only met them few days ago"

"But I only met you two months ago. What's the difference?" She noticed he won't answer her questions. Of course as a human being she was curious about where she was but she won't forgive herself if something bad happened to them.

"You said you only enjoy being with me. But why were you talking with them so happily? That's why you'll be staying here to clean up your head"

Now she understood why she dreamt about that conversation. Because of her careless one sentence he hurt 29 innocent people through her.

"I wanna go back" she mumbled, all of her confidence fading away from her every passing minute. She wanted to apologize so badly. It's all because of her that everyone hurt and Harley couldn't eat her favorite food.

She can still remember the glittering light in her eyes whenever she talks about food. And from other guards, as well as other three generous ladies from next table who tried to stop her.

"After causing all of that violations do you think they'll get you out of here?" He whispered softly, pinching her chin staring at her from above.

"You'll stay here until your doctor decides you to come back to your room. And you can entrust your friends to me. Now sleep.." he continued as he releases her head, making her able to at least turn around her head.

Bethany felt sharp pain on her hand afterwards which made her eyelids heavier than it already is. With her last strength she asked one question.

"Where's the doctor?"

Stephen smiled towards her and pointed towards his clothes. She noticed he's no longer wearing that black uniform of a warder. Instead of those dark clothes he is wearing a white long something like cloak.

'Wait, if I remember correctly...'

"As you can see I'm your doctor, darling~"

Hopelessness covered her mind, pulling her into darkness every time she blinks.

She really lost this time.

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