7. Open day

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7th of July, 20xx

It was one of the biggest and most chaotic, shameful event in history.  People started to call it an 'OPEN DAY'.

The north prison, especially ED quarter which governments and almost whole world is proud of has been opened everyone's prison cells by a mistake. Every prisoner tried to escape violently, leaving no way but to fire towards them. Some guards and prisoners died that day. Some escaped successfully without leaving behind a single trace as if they planned it from the beginning.

Of course Stephen is one of them.

Guards caught only 10% of the prisoner. Others died and escaped. So the most guarded place became totally useless.

It's obvious that every single prisoner knew doors would open because they had a weapons and immediately directed towards the exit after it opened without any panic. So it's obvious who planned it.

It's none other than former mafia leader, one of the most powerful man in the world. Actually calling him former leader would be a lie. Even entering this prison was part of his plan.

From the beginning he tested his right hand man whether he would betray him or not. And to his disappointment he betrayed him which was still part of his plan. Even if he didn't betray him he would have entered this prison anyway.

His mission was finding an assassin named 'Edward Black'. He had a hard time finding him and because that man is in normal quarter everything became hard.

With a lot of money and few sweet talks, he found him without no problems and turned everyone into his side expect from guards.

He had a hard time hiding what he did to those guys who tried to hurt both of them, from Bethany. She suspected some odd things from the next Wednesday but didn't question anything, believing in her friend that he wouldn't hurt anyone.

Just from that fact Stephen can tell she's bad at judging people. Especially those close to her.

Few days ago... (the OPEN DAY)

The sound of footsteps can be heard in prison's normal quarter. In the middle of the night when everyone was sleeping, certain man in guard's uniform was walking around the hallway peacefully like he's going on a night walk.

If you think it's guard, that's a huge mistake. There's only one person who has white silver hair in this place after all.

So what's his reason for going out this late at night? Is he going to talk with all prisoners to make them follow his plan?

The answer is 'no'.

Someone like him doesn't have to talk with those lowly people who can only know how to use their muscles instead of their brain. After all they're all criminals stupid enough to get caught by those silly cops.

After few minutes of walking he entered monitoring room. There was no one and only noise that can be heard from that place was his footsteps.

Every guards were sleeping and with his disguise of a guard, he won't be troubled. There's almost two hundred people here guarding this place so it's not surprising to find new face everyday.

Also those foolish higher ups from government forbidden from showing his face to the public. Just a little bit of make up and no one will recognize him.

He sat down on the closest chair in front of the huge screens which are showing videos of other prisoners. Most of them were sleeping no... pretending to be sleep. He switched it to ED quarter's video which is showing only over 20 people.

And he was still in his room, sleeping on the screen. His little trick worked perfectly.

He clicked on the girl's figure on the screen without hesitation, making her figure even bigger on the screen to take a good look. As always she was sleeping and obviously she was having a nightmare. There was a sweat on her forehead while she was exhaling heavily like she is escaping, running from something.

"Tell me, why are you planning to suffer all alone in this place?" he muttered sadly. He can't understand why she's deciding to stay here, instead of going with him. Stephen will bury her with his wealth and make her life better. Even after trying to win her heart for one month the girl declined going with him.

He wished that she just told him no on the surface. Maybe she wants to go out but not with him. If that's the case he'll gladly help her to get out of here.

'Everyone want freedom. I'm sure she'll want it too after seeing the door unlocked. And from the time she steps out of here, she's mine..!'

He smirked slyly at his thought and pressed the huge red button, which opened every single door in the prison. This button is made for save the prisoners from tragic situations like earthquakes or fires but now it's used for escape games. How pathetic.

Then he pressed another green button which will wake everyone up from their sleeps with huge noise.

[4:59] appeared on the screen. Guards will all wake up after this time.

Now it's time for him to go. Whether other prisoners escape or not isn't his business. The real plan is to destroy this place and save that Edward guy. While everyone is going berserk on the main exit he'll calmly walk out by the window of the monitoring room. Behind the thick wall that's surrounding the whole building, there's a car waiting for him.

He should wait few more minutes to make everyone's attention on the main gate. If over 200 prisoners of this place were to attack through main gate even the guards surrounding the wall will try to block that place.

Plus with a little help he gave to other guys, they'll be fine. /the weapons he gave them. Knife, handguns, bombs etc../

It's pitiful that everyone talks so highly about this place's security. In truth there wasn't any need for him to enter a weapon here. He just stole some from staff room and no one noticed.

As soon as he landed on the ground from the second floor, he took a deep breath as his hair shine brightly under the moonlight.

"It's today's present from me. I hope we'll meet outside, Icy~"


Hello, I hope you're not bored. Because of COVID-19 almost everyone around the world is staying home so I'll try to entertain people who are reading my stories.

It means I'll update as soon as I can. /everyday if possible/

Anyway I'm here to tell you that Icy and Bethany are same person. I'll show the details on the next chapter so be patient.

Thanks for reading.

One present a day [DISCONTINUED]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant