13. Not with them

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Today is a wonderful day to everyone in 023th prison because the people from church will come which means prisoners will get to eat delicious food and meet each other.

"Wow, you look really excited Icy"

The familiar voice interrupted her when she was braiding her hair as Sarah taught. It became her favorite hobby.

She glared darkly towards Stephen and realized he's here to bring her to the hallway where she'll get lectures from nuns. Without any interest she raised both of her hands towards him which he cuffed it afterwards.

"Oh, right I forgot to tell you. That woman died yesterday. She suffered a lot" Stephen gently whispered into her ears before going outside. Thankfully he doesn't talk to her outside since he's still in disguise.

With that gloomy mood Bethany finally spotted the other two. She wanted to run towards them but Stephen was gripping her chains too tightly.

She really wants to report about Stephen but she was sure no one will recognize him anyway. They'll probably think she's crazy or something. No one will imagine a powerful person like him is wandering around female's prison freely, working as a warder.

"You should release me" Bethany whispered.

He finally let her go and she walked towards Harley and Sarah, sitting down next to them with a small greeting. The two of them were fighting as usual like any other day.

"Hey, they'll give us a special delicious food after this. It will be nice if there's some sweets too" Harley whispered towards Bethany which she nodded in response. To Bethany sweets are only for reward. Whenever she kills someone or do something good her brother gave her sweets. Stephen sometimes gave her sweets too but after she came here only thing he gives her is bad news.

"If I ever step out of here the first thing I'll do is shopping. Not for clothes but for sweets. I really wanna eat ice cream, chips, even cookies" Harley sighed softly. But she'll get out of here soon so there was nothing to worry.

"Stop talking. It's hard topic for Bethany and I" Sarah scolded her angrily. For killing 15 people she'll be spending her lifetime in this place. Fortunately they didn't execute her for killing the important people of government.

"What is chips?"

The other two stared towards the girl with a shocked expression, who only asked because she heard unfamiliar word.

"You never ate one before?" Harley gasped while grabbing Bethany's shoulder tightly.

"It's something I can eat? Is it sweet like lollipop or cold like ice cream?" The girl curiously asked. The way she asked was cute but it was a bit scary.

After all what kind of person grows up without knowing about chips or sewing machine? More importantly she's a killer from ED quarter.

'She's like some kind of robotic killing machine..'

"A-ah, no it's neither sweet or cold. It's salty and like a-..."

"It's similar to fried potatoes. But it's bit hard and salty" Sarah explained more calmly and easily, stopping Harley from embarrassing herself furthermore.

"Is it tasty?"

"Yes it is"

Sarah was like a mother, explaining something to a curious three years old child.

"Then can I find it here?"

"I'm sorry but you can't. You can only find it from outside"

"Mm. Then I'll try it if I get out of here one day"

Sarah felt pity towards the innocent girl who has twenty more years to spend here. Without knowing anything about happiness of the world she's spending her young days in this place.

'If only there was a way to let her out of this place' she thought but there was nothing she could do. She was as useless as always when it comes to her dear people.

"Yeah, you should try it once you're outside" she sadly muttered with a smile.

After hearing those wonderful words Bethany didn't notice the glare from him, who is staring dagger towards the other two woman.

'Why is she showing that face to them but not me?'

He tried to calm himself down but the thoughts of them stealing his only honest friend covered his tactical clear mind. If it was possible he would've dragged her out of this place as soon as possible but he promised her that he'll give her a one month. If he broke his promise she'll definitely hate him eternally.

'She mustn't stay here any longer. At least not with these people'


"Mmm. This is good. I haven't eaten something like this for ages" Harley moaned loudly in happiness after tasting the chicken soup. Their daily food is terrible even if there's a chicken in it but this lunch was an exception.

"Be quiet or sit far away from me. You're so embarrassing" Sarah complained. They were sitting in a small table at the corner of the cafeteria as usual but Bethany wasn't there yet. Perhaps she was still waiting for her turn to get her food.

Soon she arrived and sat down with them. But something in her eyes changed. She seems paler than usual.

"Are you okay?" Harley asked but she only nodded her head in response. With heavy atmosphere they began to eat. The doll faced girl looks more terrified than usual. They even noticed her hands were shaking under the table.

"Bethany, you look pale. What happened? Did someone try to bully you?" Sarah asked.


"Then are you having an stomachache or headache?"

"No. Please don't ask..."

"Tell us Bethany. We're only worrying about you.." Harley asked as both of them get closer to her shaking form.

"I'm okay. Please be quiet..."

"I don't think you're o-..."



The whole cafeteria became speechless after witnessing the blood flowing out of Harley hand which is now connected to the spoon that's Bethany holding.

"Ughhh, shit!!! It hurts like hell!" Harley screamed and cursed in pain after few seconds. Bethany released her grip on the spoon with a shaking hand and backed away from the scene.

"Don't move Harley. I'll help you" Sarah's motherly voice came as she quickly tear her shirt mercilessly, bandaging Harley's hand. Harley was still hissing in pain. Not only the spoon stabbed her knuckles but it managed to broke few bones in it.

"Why did you do that?" Sarah yelled but her voice didn't reach her as Bethany's vision turned blurry and black in a few seconds.

The last thing she saw was guards that running towards her with a cuffs and Sarah's angry glares.

'What's happening to me?'

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