5. Number one

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"HEY!!! What's going on?!"

The sound of another man, probably guard stopped everyone who was busy glaring at Bethany. Even the guys who were fighting with Stephen couldn't stop looking at her like she's some dangerous being.

"I'm asking you. What's going on?" the male guard asked again but everyone was busy growling in pain on the ground cuz of Stephen or staring at Bethany.

"He hurt me" the only leisured person, Bethany answered.

"Everyone, go back to your places. Now!!" The male guard ordered.

"B-but sir, there's twenty more minutes left..."

It was a voice of the female guard who guards ED quarter. Looks like that man is superior to her. The arrogant lady was like a rabbit at this point.

"They'll kill the girl. It was bad idea to mix woman and man. They'll definitely kill her" the man continued, staring towards her and other guys.

"Fine...EVERYONE!! Move as Mr. Jackson said. Hurry up" another order came from the same female guard as she hurried everyone. Her dissatisfaction was obvious on her face.

Perhaps she wants to see Stephen and Bethany getting beat by those guys black and blue. She didn't try to step in during Stephen's fight but fortunately Mr. Jackson, her commander came at the right time and stopped the fight.

ED quarter's guys usually has a cuff but they release it when they're outside. Probably because there's fifty other guards watching their every moves from close. And there's hundred more outside of the wall too.

"Why didn't you fight back?" Stephen whispered while walking next to her to his room.

"Because I was waiting for that guy. He is the only honest person here" she answered bluntly as always. But what she said was true. That guy is honest. He doesn't sit back and watch the prisoners fight to death.

"I was angry because my hair still hurts and I left my hair clip earlier. So I was planning to fight until that guy comes. But he came too early" she continued. Because of some reason she was talking like she knows him very well. However to Stephen he was still unknown person even though he transferred same day as her.

"How do you know-..."

"SHUT UP! We're not going on a picnic" the female guard from earlier yelled. Other guards didn't say anything like they're used to it or scared of her. Probably the second one.

First she's the most annoying woman everyone has ever seen. Second her appearance is also scary. Her face isn't really good and her body is like man's body. There's enough reason to scare even her comrades. Maybe that's why she works in a man's prison.

Soon they entered their room and was free to talk. Stephen can tell Bethany was still so pissed of from earlier. She was brushing her hair back, remembering the bright feeling when he clipped her hair. It felt good but now it's back to where it was again.

'I should've punished them even a little' she thought to herself before entering her prison cell. To protect herself from pain hitting someone isn't that bad thing. After all that's what she learned from her father.

"So tell me, how do you know Mr. Jackson?" Stephen asked right after they entered their cells. Seeing her believing in him so much made him a bit angry but as always he was hiding it.  The authority he has is too low in this place and there's only one month left until his execution.

He was so pissed at this point and ready to begin his plan.

"When I was still at police station, he helped me a lot. He said I'm just a child so I don't understand value of lives and there was no comfortable environment for me to grow up which caused me to became an assassin. He even followed me here to protect me" Bethany answered as she sat down on her mattress. Somehow she likes him so much because he is the only person protected her in court.

She doesn't mind being executed but he insisted on it with a great effort. He even participated in her case as a witness and gave her the most entertaining book she has ever read. She changed her name into it's main character hoping her life would change into same as the Bethany in her book.

But as always reality was too cruel to her.

"Do you like him?" Stephen asked again after a few minutes of silence.

"Nn. He reminds me of 'Alex'." She answered with a nod even though he can't see her. But her confident answer kinda disappointed him.

"Who's Alex?"

"A character of my favorite book called 'My princess'. He's honest and smart person just like Mr. Jackson. But he lacks at judging others because he's too nice" she explained everything to him as he nodded on the other side of the wall.

From the sound of her words he can tell she likes that guy more than him.

'How should I make her dislike him..?'

His head desperately searched for possible solutions of the new task he has recieved. He doesn't understand why but being number two always disappoints him.

"That's it..!" He jolted with excitement after finding a brilliant idea which startled Bethany bit. She doesn't usually show or feel emotions but as a human being, being startled by something happens to her sometimes.

"What's wrong?" She asked from Stephen, interrupting his thoughts.

"Haha, sorry. I just thought of something interesting" he chuckled with a devilish smirk on his face. He can't help but imagine what her beautiful eyes would show after she knows his plan.

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