10. New place

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Today is the day Bethany will transfer to 023th female's prison. Finally higher ups decided to send her here since she didn't even try to escape or cause any trouble. They considered her less dangerous but she'll stay separated from others.

"ATTENTION!! Today we've a new companion from XXXth prison. Treat her properly and don't cause any trouble" the guard yelled and released her cuffs, pushing her into the crowd of woman sewing something on their free time.

[Omg, she's from that place? A child like her?]

[She looks young. Is she even an adult?]

[Poor kid. I don't think she's dangerous enough to send to that place]

The gossip spreads in a blink of an eye after Bethany entered. Her uniform was changed into blue one like others and her body was covered in bandages from head to toe. And because of that day they added one more year on her sentence. Judges thought that she had a hand in this but after so much torture and questions they believed her.

On the other hand Bethany was a bit angry about Stephen, who turned her peaceful life into a mess. And it's easier to get her out of this prison due to it's low security. 

'Father will definitely come. Or brother..'

"Hey number 2024, why're you daydreaming? begin your work. HURRY UP!!" The woman yelled once in again in a not really friendly tone while Bethany stared blankly towards the sewing machine.

"Excuse me miss, but what is this?"

Few peaceful days passed in a blink of an eye. Actually being in this prison was more enjoyable than the last one. This place has nice food /in Bethany's opinion/, comfortable rooms, and lots of free time. There's small window in her room which allows her to see the beautiful sun everyday.

But the most favorite part of this place is she made a friend. Unlike last time there's no scary bullies. Everyone adores her and teaches her everything she doesn't know like sewing etc. Bethany learned how to tie her hair for the first time.

"Hey Bessie girl!" The familiar voice called Bethany who is searching for a sitting spot in canteen. This friendly cheerful voice belongs to one of her friends, a girl who is five years older than her, Harley.

Just like her colorful hair, she has so many characters. She's a bit crazy but honest so Bethany likes her.

Bethany walked towards her, who is sitting with one other woman called Sarah. She's in her mid thirties and the aura around her is really calming. Unlike the previous trouble maker, everyone wonders why she's in a place like this.

"Good afternoon" Beth greeted as usual and sat down.

"Woaah! You're so cold. You really doesn't have to greet me. Because I'll never greet you back ever!! Mwahaha"

Her horrible laughing voice echoed the whole canteen and she didn't stop until some guards scolded her for it. As you can see she has a very dramatic way of talking and has zero sense of humor.

"Do you want me to braid your hair again?" Sarah asked brightly which Bethany nodded in response without hesitation. That's what she needs right now since she was trying it for whole morning but it wasn't as perfect as Sarah's hair.

"Come to think about it, why is a girl like you here Bessie?" Harley carelessly asked, receiving a pinch on her leg under the table from Sarah.

"Ouch! I-I mean what did you do?- ouch!! ouch!! ouch!! Okay okay Sarah, please stop. I'm just asking why is she here! She's so young... OUCH! Please stop it!"

"Shut up kiddo. What will you feel if I ask the same thing from you!" Sarah whisper yelled even though Bethany can clearly hear them. She was just thinking about how to answer without surprising or scaring them.

'No one will want a killer friend.. Everyone will escape just like him, Icy'

The cruel sentence of her brother whispered in her head which scared her even more. But she'll give it a try since she won't kill anymore.

"I won't feel anything because all I did was break few windows of a shop and beat the shit out of that annoying woman. End of the story" Harley said as she slammed the table as if she was proud of what she did. And she got one year sentence from that which will finish three month's later.

"Then think a little about others. Read the atmosphere you idiot" this time Sarah pinched her from her cheek, make it redder and swollen. Without giving up Harley tried to fight back but the elder woman was more stronger.

"I killed.."

"Huh?" they both said in unison after hearing her and stopped whatever they were doing.

"I killed nine people"

"O-oh.." they found themselves speechless. Even people around them stopped moving altogether, carefully processing what did Bethany said.

"Will you hate me now?" She continued as she tilted her head slightly in a cute manner. Someone like her? A killer? No way!!

'As brother said. They'll definitely hate me just like that kid did..'

"O-of course not. You're so cute and we're all same. You don't have to worry at all" without hesitation Harley reassured her with all she has which was really uncomfortable. She never tried to comfort anyone before but she was doing a good job comforting Beth.

"Really? but I don't think others are thinking the same"

"What're you talking about, everyone likes you. Right?" Harley said, seeking for a help from people around her. Almost everyone was listening their conversation so they all happily joined.

"Yeah, me too"

"I love her because she's cute. I mean, Bethany is like a princess amongst us."

"We're same bad guys as you. Don't worry"

The small conversation turned into a huge contest of 'who will do a better job at comforting Bethany'. Since everyone was talking so loudly Bethany decided to ignore them and continue to eat her food.

Meanwhile Sarah was still watching Bethany's calm behavior from afar in confusion.

'She said nine people but why is they considering her as an extremely dangerous?'

In this prison there's so many serial killers and murderers. There's even person who killed twenty people and spending her whole lifetime in jail. But why they only consider Bethany as a dangerous being similar to the mafia boss?

'Even though I killed 15... looks like it's not all about number huh?'

One normal day of Bethany passed like this. It was peaceful until she enter her cell after lunch.

There it was, small box with a familiar address on it.

[Dear Bethany. I hope you like my daily gift as usual. Sorry for not giving you one last few days.

From your bestie.]


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