4. Pain

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Few days passed since then. Both of them liked each other so much and Stephen was still giving his mysterious gifts every single day.

Who knows how he get those things in the most guarded prison but without realizing Bethany was starting to wait for his gifts. He gave her a candy which she never ate before or other things that's daily necessary. Sometimes he gives her a flowers. His gifts are the only adventure of her life.

Now it's Wednesday. They can go out today. Last Wednesday because there's a two prisoner transferred here so they didn't let ED quarter guys go outside.

Bethany will see Stephen's face for the first time. And the guards came, dragging everyone outside with a special large cuffs to prevent their movements. It was same to Bethany, whose name is still in the ED quarter.

When she stepped outside she saw Stephen. She can tell it's him because he was coming out of her next door. The both put their hands on the wall to let them check their body. It's a miracle how they didn't found any of the gifts.

Stephen waved his hands towards her quietly which she nodded in response. He looks two or three years older than her but he was the most handsome man she had ever seen in her life.

For some reason his hair was white and he has a deep blue eyes. His skin was even whiter than hers, which is quite unexpected. He looks nothing like she imagined him.

Stephen and other prisoners walked in front of her till they got outside. The sun light hit her eyes, causing her to flinch and cover her eyes with her still cuffed hands. Living in darkness for a long time isn't healthy after all.

"You've one hour to spend. Do whatever you want" the female guard announced them as she left to her post.

"Meeting face to face with you is much better" Stephen clapped his hands in joy. Bethany stared at him curiously, still doubting his identity about being mafia's leader or something. He was much more childish than her despite being 25 years old guy.

"Why is your hair white?"

"I dyed it because it's cool. How about you? Why is your bangs are so long? Isn't it annoying?"

"No. Not at all. It helps me to hide myself"

Without hesitation he dragged her towards the chair and pushed her to sit while he kneeled down in front of her. Bethany stared down to face him but his hands slightly touched her hair to brush it backwards.


"Taa-daa! You look beautiful this way"

The thing preventing her hair from falling again was hair clip.

"It's today's gift"

Same deep blue eyes stared at him. Her eyes were as beautiful as he expected. To him there's no need to hide that. His eyebrows were in perfect shape while her eyelashes were so long. She doesn't need makeup to look pretty.

"Thank you" she smiled sweetly.

"Well, well. There's a two little romantic swans we got there. Can we join too?"

The unknown bulky voice said, interrupting their conversation. Both of them didn't even notice the crowd of scary people gathering around them.

Stephen's face darkened after noticing their intentions. It was a same scene that appears in movies.

There was over ten people who is bigger than even Stephen in orange uniform of prison. Most of them weren't wearing their shirt, revealing a muscular chest filled with tattoos.

"No" Stephen refused harshly after thinking a plan of winning twelve huge guys. He must protect his girl but...

"Aghhh!!" Little gasp escaped from Beth as he turned around and found another man gripping her hair long hair harshly. Seeing the pain on her face Stephen tried to dash toward her.


"Where do you think you're going, prince?"

The guy from earlier blocked him as the other guys surrounded him completely, stopping him from helping Beth. He can see three guys standing around Beth.

"To my princess, b*tch"


Stephen's punch connected to his head, causing him to fell on the ground helplessly. It was a punch, powerful enough to send him unconscious.

While other guys were staring at the guy admiringly he took the chance and kicked another guy in the place where sun doesn't shine. Finally others realized if they don't attack together they won't be able to win him over and tried to punch him.

Most of them were strong killers or thieves but they won't be comparable to mafia's former leader.

"You bastard!" The man yelled from his back but thanks to his loud voice Stephen dodged him easily and tripped him. Winning this guys is an easy task but...

Beth is still in danger.

"Hey look at her. She doesn't even trying to fight back"

"Why did they send a girl like her to ED?"

"Who knows. But thanks to that we can have our fun with her" other guy said through gritted teeth while tightening his grip on her hair. The hair clip Stephen gave fell on the ground as her bangs back to their old position again.

"Beth, fight back!" Stephen yelled but he was too busy dealing with those stupid guys. Their numbers were really something.

"That hurts.." Bethany muttered softly. Her voice sounded a bit angry.

"What did ya say, birdie?" The guy gripping her hair asked mockingly while getting his ear closer to her mouth as if he was trying to listen her.

When he did he felt something wrong. Her breathing was uneven and her body was shaking in anger instead of fear. He can see her eyes burning under her hair.

"I.said.that.hurts" she said again as she grabbed his hand from her hair.

'S-she's strong' the guy thought, trying to keep his hand on her hair but he was failing every passing second. He was losing in strength battle to a girl younger than him. Even the other two guys were taken a step back, sensing danger from the girl.

"I hate pain the most" she said once again with a death glare.

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