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She stared at me as she entered the mansion. We both kept our eyes on each other, glaring daggers.

"What are you here for?" I asked, harshly.

"Giovanni," she spoke, his name sounded so flirty coming from her mouth. I rolled my eyes, of course he had a lover here in Italy, too.

She walked past me, but not before yelling over her shoulder. "Watch your back!"

Who does she think she was? I was definitely not going to allow her to walk all over me. I have dealt with a lot of these people, I have always won.

Maybe, I'm still stuck in my high school ways. This was going to be my senior year. Instead of actually in school I could bring it here.

She was the one who truly needed to watch her back.

I sassily opened my mouth and rolled my neck. I strutted after her to find her going into Giovanni's office.

Oh please, don't tell me they are going to have sex.

I was not going to come in between them. What if she was his boyfriend? I was not going to interfere with someone's relationship. Even if it's Giovanni and the walking mess.

She needed to get her hair fixed and her nails done, those looked awful.

The last time I was accused of doing something when I wasn't even the one who had done anything. I hated being accused and all Giovanni had done was accuse me. He made me feel worse than I already was. I needed to do something about it, but every time I confronted him, I froze.

I walked up to Valeria with a scowl on my face.

"I can't believe her," I snarled at her. I watched as she disappeared into his office. "We need to do something about it."

"Chanel, we're not in high school anymore," Valeria said.

"Fine, I will do it without you," I said. "I can't believe you won't be on my side, you're best friend since we could walk."

Valeria sighed. "Chanel, I didn't mean it like that."

"Sure you didn't," I rolled my eyes.

"You're being a bitch again," Valeria pointed out.

"I wouldn't have to be if she would just get herself out of here," I said. "Just she thinks she's so much better than everyone."

"So do you," Valeria said, bluntly.

"Exactly, I'm supposed to be the only one," I snarked.

"So, you're jealous? Chanel grow up, babe," she said, trying to make it sound like she was not judging me.

"You know, I don't expect you to understand, ever since you've gotten a boyfriend, you haven't been yourself. We hardly hang out anymore," I spat.

"Well, maybe I would want to hang out with you more if you weren't so jealous of someone being better than you for once," she yelled.

I gasped and slapped her in the chest. She inhaled a sharp breath and slapped me back. By the time we knew it we were slapping each other back and falling on the ground.

We pulled each other's hair and screamed at each other.

"I can't believe you will just throw away a perfectly good friendship!" I yelled at her which I hit her cheek.

"I can't believe you're acting like this, you're crazy, Chanel," she shouted back at me. Slapping my cheek as well.

I felt my scalp burn and my cheeks red. We were pulled apart by the boys.

"What the fuck is happening?" Grae said.

He pulled me back while Tobias pulled Valeria back.

"What are you guys doing?" Luke asked.

I tried to attack her again by struggling against Grae, but he held me back, strongly.

"Let me go, I'm going to fuck up her face," I snarked. I finally got out of Grae's grip and charged towards her. Luke stood in front of us, blocking us from each other.

My hair was messy, but hers probably looked worse. Her cheeks had a red hand print and there scratches all over her face. I even managed to give her a black eye.

"She's a crazy stuck up bitch," Valeria yelled. Her insults meant nothing to me.

"I'm going to kill you," I seethed through my teeth.

Suddenly as I thought it couldn't get any worse. Giovanni and Amelia came out of his office.

I mean, what does he see in her? Other than her perfect hair and outfits.

"What is going on here?" Amelia smirked. What a skank.

"She went crazy and attacked me," Valeria blurted out.

"What? No, you bitch, you hit me first," I blamed.

Although I might've started it first, I didn't really remember.

"You slapped me first," Valeria exclaimed.

"Forget I asked," Amelia mumbled.

"I will forget!" I yelled at her. "I'll forget you even exist," I spat.

I was taken back by her close proximity. She lowered her face to mine and she gave me a stern glare. She was a female version of Giovanni.

I leaned back. "Listen, puttana," she whispered, harshly. The rest of the gang was helping Valeria. I couldn't believe they took her side. (bitch)

I changed my mind they aren't like my family. Family never turn their backs on family, they did that to me.

"Whatever you have with Giovanni ends now, he follows you like a puppy. We were even making love and he calls out you're stupid name," she seethed out.

She was scary.

My face paled and flashbacks rushed through me. I have been through this before.

"I-I'm sorry," I choked out. "I-I dont even like him, I swear. I didn't know he was-he was your boyfriend, if I had known, I swear, I didn't," I felt tears in my eyes.

Memories of the worst night of my life came back. I felt my throat closing in.

She stood up and spun on her heel. "Vabbè," she muttered. She opened the front door slammed it shut. (Whatever)

I should've just kept my mouth shut. Now I started a fight I couldn't even finish.

What did she mean by him saying my name while he was having sex with her? I didn't know if I should feel honoured or disgusted.

My heart raced and I went up to my room. Nobody even noticed I left. They were all focused on Valeria. Maybe she was right, she changed and suddenly everyone liked her.

I was still acting like a popular high school girl. Nobody seemed to care much about popularity like they did in high school.

I needed to change, but I felt like I couldn't.

I was scared to change, but maybe I should.

Maybe they'll like me more if I did and Valeria will want to be my friend again.

Maybe changing was what was best for everyone, even me.

Gang Leader's Princess ✓Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora