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Today was the day I'm going to be training to be part of his gang. To be honest, I was excited a little, but mostly nervous.

I felt like I was going to be a spy.

I had a normal life before this. The popular girl at school, who worried about boys and parties. I never thought I'd be kidnapped and brought into this while other world.

Up until now, I didn't know this whole world existed.

I got changed I to my training gear that was left on the bed. It was black pants with a black crop top, my shoes were black and I had to wear a belt around my pants. This was not my usual fashion style, but I made it work.

After I got changed, I saw the boys waiting for me.

"Are you excited for your first day of training?" Luke asked.

I nodded my head, although I wasn't that excited to learn how to use a gun to kill people.

"That's good, we'll meet you in the basement," Luke said.

My heart dropped. The basement!

"What? I'm not going into the basement," I snarked. I would go anywhere but.

"You're going to have to, Chanel," Derrick said. "How else are we going to train you."

"Somewhere else, not the basement," I spat. I was irritated. "I'm not going there."

I felt my body lift up from the ground and I screamed in surprise. I clutched on to the person's strong arm. It was Giovanni, I could tell without even looking to see him.

"Yes you are," he said.

I wiggled one his grasp. "What are you doing? Put me down, now," I ordered.

He ignored me. Usually people would do it the second I say.

"Hey! I said something," I spoke.

He walked towards the stairs that lead down to the basement. "Not again," I mumbled.

I held a straight face and tried to be intimidating. I glared at Giovanni, but he ignored me.

"You look like a kitten when you try to be scary," Tobias chuckled, softly.

I narrowed my eyes at him, now.

"I'm not going," I scoffed. "If you even bring me down there, I will cry."

"This is how you get over your fears," Derrick said.

"Derrick, I didn't ask for your opinion," I yelled. I was getting annoyed with the boys right now.

"Put me down, right now, Giovanni," I said, sternly. I felt like a mother disciplining her child.

"Make me," he growled. He walked towards the stairs to the basement. I tried everything to get out of his arms, but he kept me in place.

I couldn't get out.

I looked down at the dark room that was at the bottom of the stairs and closed my eyes. Fear shook my body and I'm pretty sure Giovanni felt it.

"You need to calm down," he snarled.

"That doesn't really help me calm down," I sparked at him. My eyes held fear and they were glassy with tears. I saw the door become farther away from us and I realized we were in the basement.

He was about to put me down, but I held onto Giovanni's neck. "Don't let me down," I yelped.

I saw the room where I was tied to the chair and I quickly looked away.

"Get off of me," he snarled.

"No, I'm not touching the ground." I cling onto him still.

"Nothings going to happen, see, it's just a harmless basement," he said. He went to put me down, I hesitantly placed my foot on the ground and then my other one.

Suddenly the door slammed shut and I jumped back into Giovanni's arms, my head snuggled in his chest.

"It was just the door," he seethed out.

I looked up from his shoulder and noticed the door was now closed. He turned on the light and it was no longer dark.

I looked around the room and noticed it was awfully bigger than I had noticed. There was a boxing area and many training equipment.

I didn't think I was ready for training.

"I don't want to shoot a gun," I told him. My voice was quiet.

He looked at me. "You want to pay fifty million dollars?" He asked, seriously.

I felt tears in my eyes. I didn't want to hear the noise of a gun again and I sure didn't want to be the one who pulled the trigger.

He dragged me over to the shooting range he had in his basement and handed me a gun.

"This is the first part of training. You'll have to know how to shoot a gun," he explained.

He grabbed the gun and demonstrated it. I jumped at the loud noise and covered my hands over my ears trying to ease the ringing noise. I felt tears fall out of my eyes and I fell to my knees.

"Okay, that's didn't go as I planned," Giovanni muttered.

He kneeled down to me and took my hands off my ears. He noticed the tears in my eyes and sighed.

He handed me the gun and I shakily grabbed it. I got up from my place on the floor and stared at the room filled with plastic.

He nudged his head in the direction of the bullseye and I froze. "Please," I begged. "Please, don't make me do it."

"It's not that hard, princess. Once you do it once you'll get used to it," he told me.

I just kept shaking my head. I couldn't do it. He shot a glance at my trembling hands and got the gun out of them.

"I can't," I sobbed. "I-I can't do it, I'm sorry, please don't make me get you fifty million dollars," I pleaded. I wrapped my arms around myself, giving myself comfort.

How would I find that money lying around. I might have had to work for it. I don't think I have ever worked for anything in my life. I won't know where to start.

"Okay, maybe we'll start with something different," Giovanni said.

I closed my eyes and nodded my head.

"I'll teach you how to fight," he said.

We made it over to the mat where there was a punching bag hanging.

Now, he was in for a surprise.

Gang Leader's Princess ✓Where stories live. Discover now