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I awoke to a beeping sound. My eyes opened and adjusted to the unusually bright light. I was in a hospital bed.

I had been in a car crash.

I felt a pang in my head as I tried to get up from my position on the bed.

I tilted my head and saw my brother sitting on the chair.

"Hey," he rushed towards me. He grabbed a hold of my hand. "Be careful."

"W-What happened?" I asked.

"You were in a car crash," he explained.

I caught a clear glance at him, he looked so worried. I smiled. I was glad to be alive.

"That's the first I've seen you smile in weeks," he told me.

"I guess it's the car crash," I shrugged my shoulders. A bolt of pain rushed through my body.

I groaned in pain.

"I said be careful," he repeated. The three boys came into the room and I was happy of there presence. Valeria was here, as well.

Giovanni came in too, his face was beaten pretty bad. It was going to leave a scar. He was okay, though.

"How long was I asleep?" I asked.

They looked at each other. Tobias answered. "A week."

A week?

A whole week?

I could've been already on my way to Italy and got revenge on my father. Although I didn't feel as eager to hurt him anymore.

I felt normal again.

I lost a lot, but I knew that being so low wouldn't help myself feel better. I knew that in order to get back up I had to fall down and I did, so now it's time to get back up into my feet.

It's time to pick myself up and get avenge on my mother the right way.

I need to catch my father. He deserves to go to jail.

I was lucky I didn't die. The crash was horrible.

"You know you have to wear a seatbelt," Derrick told me.

"I know, I was just so angry, I didn't feel like it. To be honest, I guess I didn't care," I said, truthfully.

I was so low at that time, I felt there was no place for me in the world anymore. I wanted to die.

I was angry at myself mostly for making myself get so low in that point.

I felt better now, I felt like my old self.

My ditsy, sarcastic and confident self. I missed you.

"I'm glad you're okay," Tobias said.

"Me too," Luke smiled.

That's the first he had fallen to me in a while. It was the first I had even talked to any of them in a while.

"Same," Grae muttered.

"I was so scared," Valeria said. She came towards me and grabbed my hand in hers. "I thought I lost you."

I smiled. "I'm here, though. You didn't lose me," I reassured her.

"I'm glad," she said. "I changed my mind about the story, I'll make it about this strong girl who had been through a lot, but only came back stronger from it. It'll be dedicated to you."

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