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My heart shattered.

He killed her.

He killed his wife.

He killed my mother.

The woman who only knew how to love. She carried so much love in her heart. She didn't deserve this.

I felt like a piece of me was gone. I refused to talk to anyone. I refused to look at anyone.

I wanted to be alone.

I wanted to scream and cry, but that wouldn't do anything.

It wouldn't bring her back.

He will pay.

Mark my words, my father will pay for the trouble he caused. I will not allow him to get away with everything he had put his family through.

He doesn't even deserve to be called out family.

He took her away from me.

My tears were all dried up.

I haven't eaten, I could feel my insides chewing at each other, but I refused to gobble down any food.

I refused to live.

I was sat on a bed, staring at the ceiling. I felt broken.

Everything was taken from me.

I couldn't understand why he would do that? I didn't know why he did what he did, but he was going to get what's coming for him.

He needed revenge. He deserved revenge.

At this moment I hated my father. I hated him more than I hated him when I found out he didn't buy me those new Prada shoes. I hated him more than when I found out he cheated on mom.

He'd done way worse than cheating. He killed.

I'm living with killers who do the exact same as him. Giovanni wasn't any better.

He was bad, he was trouble. I had to stay away. I needed to stay away from everything, but my father deserved revenge.

I deserved to give it to him.

He should be aware of what's coming for him.

I was going to be part of the gang and I was going to be the one to take him down.

He was going to wish he hadn't messed with my family. He was going to wish for death.

I finally got up from the white sheeted bed and walked towards the desk planted across the bed. There were many items on the desk. A stapler, a pencil cup and many stacks of paper.

I threw them off the desk with rage. I opened my mouth to scream but nothing escaped my voice. I had nothing left to give.

I through the lamp on the bedside table on the ground, hearing the glass shatter to pieces. I didn't care. I watched as a piece landed on my foot, I didn't mind. It didn't hurt. I was numb.

The door bursted open. Everything sounded muted, everything sounded distorted.

I felt someone wrap their arms around me. I collapsed into the warm embrace of my brother. There was glass everywhere and blood bled from my foot.

Sobs racked my body and I embraced the persons warmth.

"I can't believe she's gone," I wailed.

My tears landed on his shoulders. The rest of the gang stared in the room with shock.

Giovanni held his normal scowl, his eyes cold. He looked unfazed. It was his room after all. I thought he would be angry.

I wanted him to be that way I could feel something. I wished he would pull his gun out on me. I wished he would do something, instead he just watched me break down.

Derrick rubbed circles around my back.

After my freak out I'm sure they would let me go. After that I'll be able to do something to avenge my mother. I had to do something.

I cried until I had nothing left. I cried until I couldn't, I cried for everything that had happened in my life.

I cried for the man who raped me.

I cried for my father cheating on my mother.

I cried for getting kidnapped.

I cried for my brother.

I cried for everyone going through pain.

I cried because I was going to change.

I was going to change. I was going to be a different person. A girl who reflects off her pain, I was going to be fearless. I was going to be new and improved me.

I was going to be the woman my father feared I would become.

I was going to be the woman that my father tried to protect me from. He was going to fear me.

Everyone will.

No one will get in my way.

Gang Leader's Princess ✓Where stories live. Discover now