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The next day, I was on the couch with the gang. We were watching Pretty Little Liars. I forced them to watch this. It's been the third time I had watched it and I still never get bored of it.

Today was a rest day. The crew didn't have any drugs to sell and Giovanni was in the kitchen making dinner. He always made the best food. It came in handy when I was hungry. Although he would always hated me for asking him to make me something, then he would throw a fit and spit hurtful words to me, he eventually gave up and made me what I wanted.

"No! Why would Mona do that to Hanna?" Tobias cried.

They got attached to it since the beginning. They couldn't seem to keep their eye from it. They would get mad over one little thing. It was pretty funny to watch.

Giovanni grunted in the kitchen and he spoke, harshly. "How can you guys watch that shit?"

They all gasped. They were offended he said that.

"How dare you?" Tobias gasped. He grabbed his chest like someone just shot him.

"What did you just say?" Luke asked. "We couldn't hear your hate since we block all of them out." He covered his ears and payed attention to the TV once again.

I smiled. These guys were my life. I was actually pretty glad I got kidnapped at this point. I would have never met these amazing people.

Maybe good could come from this. So many had already.

"Chanel and I have watched this thirty times already," Valeria giggled. "We know almost every line."

"That's stupid and waste of time," Giovanni snarled from the kitchen.

"We pretty much got all our mean girl ideas from Alison," Valeria said. "Oh, and Mean Girls, of course."

"And Clueless," She added. "Gossip Girl."

"Oh! We should watch Gossip Girl, too!" I exclaimed.

Giovanni groaned in pain from the kitchen. We all looked at him.

He cut himself with a knife. He ran it under the sink water and didn't mind taking care of it.

I got up from the couch and approached him. "It's going to get disinfected if you don't clean it," I told him.

"I washed it," he said. He shrugged his shoulder as if it was nothing.

"Water does nothing it just removed the blood, just wait here I'll get some spray," I told him. He was about to touch the food again, but I stopped him and shouted. "Don't touch the food!"

He grunted in annoyance and I grabbed the kit. I spray his finger and he hissed in pain. "Grow up, big guy, it's just a cut," I said. It was honestly pretty dig, though.

He clenched his jaw and his eyes held anger. I ignored him and placed the bandaid on his finger over the cut. "Do you want me to kiss it better?" I teased, puckering my lips.

He ripped his hand from mine and continued making the food. I smiled to myself and jumped back on the couch.

Continuing to watch this show for the hundredth time.

After the next episode, Giovanni brought over the food he made and we dug in right away. Everything tasted amazing.

We laughed at how stupid the characters could be and cuddled at the suspenseful parts. I wouldn't change this for the world.

Although Giovanni made me want to leave, the gang balanced him out, so as long as they're around everything was going to be alright.

They made me feel safe.

A killing gang made me feel safe.

I didn't think that would be possible.

Yet again . . .

Nothing is impossible.


The next day there was a knock on the door and I answered it. It was a bad mistake, since I was in front of a mysterious girl. She had bluish blackish hair and ice grey eyes. She was so pretty that it was annoying. She was perfect, I was the only one who was perfect.

She was the type of girl, I would compete against in high school. She would be someone I hate, so that was why I had the sudden hatred towards her.

She seemed to have one towards me too because she scowled at me. She was so much like Giovanni.

"Who are you?" She spat out. She talked to me, like I was guy at the bottom of her shoe. I hated that.

I wouldn't let her treat me like that.

"None of your business," I narrowed my eyes at her. "Who are you?"

"Amelia Hale," she introduced, sharply. She pronounced it as if I was supposed to know that name. She had an Italian accent which probably meant she lived here.

She wore a blue pant suit and beige flats. I wore a red dress with expensive heels.

I felt annoyed at her style. It was so fashionable. I felt the need to have to take her down. I knew I was not in high school, but I couldn't help, but feel threatened. She was almost as beautiful as me.

"Chanel Blanchett," I introduced through seethed teeth.

This was just the beginning.

Bring it on . . .


Gang Leader's Princess ✓Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant