Finding Kara

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As Barry walked into the Cortex after a long day of being a CSI he sees Caitlin oganising her workstation like usual and Cisco reading a comic while resting his feet on the desk, which is something he always gets scolded for. 

"Hey guys." Barry said making his presence known to the others.

"Hey Barr." Caitlin said lifting her eyes to meet Barry's

"Hey Barry." Cisco said not lifting his eyes away from his precious comic  

"Do we have any meta alerts, I'm getting kinda bored." Barry said as he slumped down in one of the chairs. 

"Dude, really?" Cisco said finally lifting his eyes away from his comic 

"What?" Barry said innocently 

"Since when do you want to fight evil metas? And might I remind you that you have nearly died multiple times out in the field." Cisco said with a raised eyebrow.

"Maybe he's andrenaline junkie." Caitlin chimed in, "Always loving the thrill of a fight." She said in a very nerdy tone.

" I don't know, I guess the lack of crime recently has got me a bit on edge." Barry admitted 

"Well don't worry Barr, we figure it out. We always do" Caitlin said reassuring Barry as best as she could. 

"Since when do you call him 'Barr'" Cisco asked Caitlin who shrugged her shoulders and turned to face away from them.

"Well he calls me 'Cait' so I guess it's only fair." She answered quietly

'Well I–" Barry was interrupted by a loud alarm in the Cortex. 

"Meta?" Caitlin asked as she walked over to the computers. 

"No, a meteor is headed for the badlands on the outskirts if Central City" Cisco said in a rush

"Alright I'll be back in a–" Barry said and was yet again interrupted 

"Flash." Caitlin finshed 

"Well I was going to say a second, but sure that works too." Barry said flashing one his infamous smirks to Caitlin that sent shivers down her spine. 

"Be careful." Caitlin said softly.

"Always am Doctor Snow." With that said he flashed into his suit and made his way to the crash site. 

As soon as he made it he noticed it wasn't a giant rock like he thought it would instead he found an alien looking pod.

"Guys it's not a meteor." Barry said into his comms 

"Please don't tell me it's some sort of alien space ship filled with aliens that will try and kill us." Cisco said worried he had seen too many movies not to be scared 

"Then what is it?" Caitlin asked 

"Prepare the med bay" Barry said with a concerned tone.

Suddenly Barry flashed into the med bay holding a young blonde girl in his arms as he slowly laid her down on the bed. 

"Ummmm did you kidnap her?" Cisco asked his friend 

"No, I found her in the crater in some sort of alien pod that I already put in the Starchives." 

"Cait, you mind checking her out." Barry said 

"Of course." She said sharing Barry's concern 


A few days passed and the young girl had yet to wake up so a member of OTF (Orginal Team Flash) would hang behind later than the others to keep on her. It just so happen to be Barry's shift 

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