Chapter 18

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"urghh", I groaned as soon as I opened up my eyes, I was tied to a chair in the middle of a four wall room. The lights were so bright I could barely keep my eyes open.

After a while a loud bang of a door startled me.

A large man came and crotched down to my level and said "so you finally awake now, huh?". "what do you want from me", I asked in a shakey tone. "ohh I want nothing from you, I just want that husband of yours to suffer", he said, standing back up.

"he'll come to save me and kill all of you guys", I seethed out through gritted teeth, "haha-" he laughed "-and we'll be here waiting for him, for you my darling are just bait", he then stared smirking, "but why let a pretty thing like you go to waste, when I can have you", he said then leaned down and started kissing me on my neck, I didn't want any of his touch on me anymore so I turned my head and bit a piece of his ear off.

Loud screams coming out from his mouth and blood going all over the place.

He then with drew himself and backhanded me so hard my head flew to the side, a little bit of blood started forming at the corner of my mouth. "you bitch" he said and hit me again before leaving.

I started crying hoping for Alexander to come and get me out of this hell hole.

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