Chapter 6

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I woke up early this morning wanting to leave as soon as possible, as I was walking downstairs I saw 'Josh' the chauffeur waiting next to the door,"Good morning Miss, Mr.Black said to give you these", he handed over a BMW's car key to me.

As I walked on outside there was a car waiting for me already, so Alexander had this whole thing planned out. I got into the car and drove away, when I was down town, I parked the car and called for a cab, I'm not that stupid, for all I know he could've put a tracking device under the car.

Once I was in the car I told the cab driver to take me to my old apartment. Once I got there I took my passport and some money to get me away from here. Once I arrived at the airport I got a ticket to Miami, I have a cousin that lives there, so I can stay there for awhile. I looked at my watch and saw that it was time for my flight.

(Few hours later)

My plane had landed an hour ago and I had just walked up the steps to my cousin's place. With a steady breathe I knocked on the door, a minute later my cousin opened the door, "Amelia, oh my God, what you doing here", she said while hugging me, "I just miss you, so I came to see how you doing, what can't I visit", I said in a jokingly manner, "of course you can, it's just a surprise to see you", "well I am full of surprises". We both just laughed and walked inside.

(1 hour later)

We both sat on the couch, laughing and catching each other up about our lives, of course I didn't say anything about Alexander, I just hope I have gotten far away from him forever. My cousin (Lily), is a sweet person and I wouldn't want to get her involved in anything, so I rather kept quiet. We both just carried on talking and drinking our hot chocolate.

After awhile I just got this weird feeling like someone was watching me through the window, but I just shrugged it off, it couldn't be Alexander, right

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After awhile I just got this weird feeling like someone was watching me through the window, but I just shrugged it off, it couldn't be Alexander, right.


I've been watching Amelia for the past 5 hours already, seeing as how she's just talking and laughing with her cousin Lilian. I just waited outside in the car watching her, she's really smart how she got rid of the car I gave her and took a cab, I knew she was gonna do that, so I didn't even bother with putting a tracker and I wanted to play fair.

Once I got a phone call from the airport about a person that looks like Amelia, tall with a slender figure with waist length hair. I knew that was 'my girl' and I knew exactly where she was heading. So that's how I am outside of her cousins house waiting, I'll give her a few more hours so she'll feel like she actually escaped and that she's free, then I'll take her back to where she belongs. At home, with me.

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