(Basically like this but not as big or intense)

'His flames are so familiar but i just don't know why' Todoroki thought

Then everything stops. Dabi's then seconds later Todoroki's quirks disappear. They both look at there hands with confused expressions. Then a voice breaks there thoughts.

"That' enough for today. We will continue this tomorrow."Aizawa says walking away. "Class dismissed"he says not looking back

"WHAT NO!!I'M NOT DONE YET!"bakugou shouts heading towards Deku to throw a punch.

Then he blocks it with his hand. "Eager aren't we? Now we must have patience and wait until tomorrow Bakugou. As much as i want to destroy you today, i think i'll wait" Deku says pushing Bakugous to the ground. "See you guys tomorrow" Deku says walking away with dabi and toga following behind him.

"Huh?! What are you still as weak or scared as before Deku?! Or are you both?! Is that why you don't want to fight me?! You think you can destroy me then do it right here right now!!"Bakugou shouts at him. Deku stops and looks down. Those words hit him badly. All those memories coming back to him.



'quirkless nerd'

'shitty deku'

'just jump off a roof and wish for a quirk in your next life'

'Deku' The name of a useless, weak, quirkless nerd. But no anymore....

Show him what you can do. Prove him wrong. But i can't.. I'll lose control and kill him.

Then do it. Don't you ant revenge? Yes but i do't want to kill him.

Yes you do, deep down you do. No i don't.

Prove him wrong and show him want happens when you- No i won't kill him!

"Don't do it. I know you want to but don't."Dabi says putting his hand on his shoulder.

"Um Dabi look at his eyes.."Toga says pointing to Deku. Deku's eyes are turning from green to red very fast. When they get red, he gets crazy and ends up either almost killing a person or kills them completely. Basically its really bad and he shouldn't go red.

"Shit. Deku fight it and don't give in!"dabi says shaking his shoulders tying to get him to look at him.

"Oh you crying now?! Damn for a villain i thought you got over that!!"bakugou shouts to him not really knowing what actually is happening.

"Dude just drop it and wai-" Kirishima says but gets cut off

"Hell no!! He can't just say that to me and expect a slide!! I'm going to teach him a lesson!!"Bakugou says making small explosions in his hands

"Katsuki please stop this and lets go-"Uraraka says trying t calm him down grabbing his arm gently.

"I said no!! I'm going to fight this quirkless nerd and beat him!! He thinks he's better so I'm going to show him who's really better than him!!"Bakugou said moving heer hand off his arm

"Will you shut up!!"Dabi says to him

"Come on Deku. You can fight it."Dabi says to Deku to calm him down. Deku holds his head with his hands saying no over and over.

"I can't...he..it's too strong...the voices....i have to...give in." Deku says letting go from Dabi's grip running towards Bakugou breaking off his collar. His eyes turn full red.

"NO!" Toga shouts running after him

"DEKU STOP!!" Dabi shouts running after him as well

"Bring it on!!"Bakugou shouts at him

Deku doesn't stop but he speeds up with a green flame slowly turning too red in his hand.

Some of the class already were gone but Ilda, Uraraka, Bakugou, Kirishima, And Todoroki were the ones left. Todoroki felt something was off so he told ilda to find Aizawa.

"Bakugou don't. He isn't in his state of mind right now, resist a fight for once i your life."Todoroki said

"Yea dude back off this one time. He doesn't look right right now." Kirishima said trying to block him but keeps getting moved from Bakugou

"Please Katsuki, don't fight this one! Just look at him, he doesn't look the same like he did seconds ago!" Uraraka said trying to hold him back from his arm but doesn't budge

"NO! I'm going to fight him whether you guys like it or not! SO BACK OFF!!" Bakugou shouts at them. He then lets go from there hold and starts running towards deku.

"DIE DEKU!!" Bakugou shouts creating an explosion in his hand

"Not today....kacchan"






A/N hope you guys liked my battle scene. I'm not really good at that so i hope it was at least an okay battle scene. Until the next chapter!:)

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