Jasper: True. Living with those pitiful Crystal Gems was a real ordeal. I had run-ins with them every day, especially with Lapis, which is precisely why I decided to follow your example, my Diamond. I realized that I didn't fit in here, just like you, so I got the hell off this planet at the drop of a hat.

Steven: Where did you go?

Jasper: Meh, nowhere special. I just wandered from planet to planet in search of a Gem worth fighting with.

Steven: Did you find her?

Jasper: Not really. What about you, my Diamond? The universe is full of puny Gems, you know? After the Diamonds, Lapis and you, I don't think there's anyone left worth fighting with.

Steven: Well, I didn't leave to find a fighting opponent or because I didn't fit in, but to find myself.

Jasper: That's really absurd. You're here right now, aren't you? Wherever you go, you're always there.

Steven: It's kinda complicated to explain, you wouldn't get it anyway.

Jasper: Meh. By the way, why is it so quiet? *looks around* I don't see any Gems babbling or goofing around like they usually do in this place, did they finally realize how crappy this little school is and drop out?

Steven: Please stop making those kind of comments about Little Homeschool and other Gems. And no, no one dropped out... I think. Something bad must have happened here. I still haven't figured out what it was, though.

Jasper: Bah, not that I care anyway. I'm just here to warn you of imminent danger, My Diamond.

Steven: Wh-what are you talking about?

Jasper: I'm talking about a new Gem Rebellion that has arisen against you and this new era of yours.

[Steven's eyes widen in disbelief at such a revelation.]

Steven: You're- you're joking, right?

Jasper: Am I by any chance a Gem known for joking?

Steven: Clearly not, not by a long shot, that's actually a fact.

Jasper: A fact I'm very proud of.

Steven: Okay, so, uh... what's the deal?

Jasper: You see, these Gems emerged a few months ago as a small insignificant group, they didn't look like a threat, so no one gave them any importance. However, they kept attacking planets and gradually recruiting more and more Gems. Their attack on Homeworld made all the difference, their little army has been growing out of proportion ever since.

Steven: You're not making sense, it's practically a given that every Gem in the universe loves my Era Three.

Jasper: The thing is, a lot of those Gems aren't recruited willingly.

Steven: What do you mean?! They're forcibly recruited!?!?

Jasper: That's one way of putting it.

Steven: Huh?

Jasper: They use a weapon I was completely unaware of. One hit with it, and you're back to how they made you. Simply put, that weapon can wipe any Gem's memory.

Steven: *gasps in shock* The Gem Rejuvenator!

Jasper: That's the one! Those empty minded Gems are perfect for their purposes, as it's not hard for them to fill them with lies and hatred for Era Three, you, and the other Diamonds as well.

Steven: I can't believe there are Gems using the rejuvenator for such an evil act. Do you know who they are?

Jasper: Don't know. I just know that their emblem is an "X", so I think they call themselves "X-GEMS". Pretty lame name if you ask me.

Steven: Needless to say.

Jasper: Yeah, what kind of name is that?

Steven: True.

Jasper: Well, while we're at it, can you clear something up for me?

Steven: Sure thing, what is it?

Jasper: I've always wondered, why do you guys call yourselves "Crystal Gems"?

Steven: Uh, I never really thought about it. I don't know, my mom picked it, I guess.

Jasper: Ha! I can tell it's because your feelings are as fragile as crystal, it's as stupid and redundant as the X.

Steven: Okay, that's- that's actually a good... point.

[This is when Steven finally begins to put two and two together.]

Jasper: Obviously it is.

Steven: No, I mean... you said an "X" is their emblem, right?

Jasper: Affirmative, my Diamond. In fact, their uniforms are similar to the classic ones. Dark green is the dominant color, but their main feature is the big green X on the chest.

[Steven gasps in shock as he flashes back to the conversation he had with Spinel a few minutes ago.]

Steven: I'm such a stupid!

Jasper: Yes, you are. Just a little bit, though... Who am I kidding? Obviously not just a little bit, but who am I to judge my Diamond?

Steven: Just forget it, okay? Moving on, how do you know all this?

Jasper: You see, these X-Gems assaulted the planet I was on. I managed not to get my memory wiped, but then I met a runt Fusion Gem, she told me all about them. Incidentally, she knew all my exploits in the Gem War, she probably fought in it too. I have no idea who the hell she is though.

Steven: I think I DO have an idea who she is.

Jasper: She thought I'd join them without wipping my memory, but she didn't count on me never betraying my Diamond.

Steven: The Diamonds! Do you know if they've done anything about it yet?!

Jasper: Most likely not, their whereabouts are currently unknown.

Steven: Of course, they're on "vacation".

Jasper: What the hell's that?

Steven: No way am I doing this by myself, no sir! I'm not gonna let them have a good time while I try to fix this problem!

[Steven walks off to the warp pad.]

Jasper: *follows after Steven* My Diamond, wait, where are you going!?

Steven: Home, I have to make a couple of calls!

[Steven and Jasper warp away to the dome in the beach house.]

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