Marital curse?

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I wish Liana had not brought me here. After Jeff told her that I can no longer speak he immediately called Liana and then Liana took me to Uka’s hut.

Both Jeff and Liana want to know what is wrong with me but I can bet now that Uka will lie and say something else because he would have been instructed to do so, whatever the reason…it will surely benefit my father and Uka.

“What is wrong with him Uka?” Liana askes truly worried, I hate that I am
doing this to her, she has to worry about a baby she did not want and also now a husband that cannot speak!

“What do you see?” Jeff askes Uka as he looks into the pot of green water, the pot is what Uka uses to communicate with the gods.

“Jurian and Liana need to get coroneted fast so that Jurian can speak and Liana’s finger can be fixed” He says and Liana looks at him confused.

“I thought Supiona can fix my finger?” Liana questions…the problem with Uka and my father is that they think of stuff and expect people to react a certain way when in reality they react in a different way, Uka is changing the story completely.

“See Liana, you and Jurian are a union so if he gets well, I can use his blood and perform a ritual to fix your finger because upon curing him he will be clean again, providing enough blood to heal your finger and lift the marital curse”

“Marital curse?” Jeff questions…I am also shocked.

“Yes, did your father not tell you? Anyway yes…we need your father present to help Jurian” Uka says and Jeff leaves immediately to go call my father.

Liana sits next to me and she gives me the weakest smile as she puts her hand on my cheek. I do not need her pity, my father put me in this position, and hewill get me out for I know that this situation is not permanent.

Jeff returns with my father and then he looks at Liana and Jeff.

“Please leave and head to the palace and wait for me there” He orders
them…of course he wants them gone so that him and Uka can finish whatever it is that they have planned.

Liana and Jeff leave and my father turns to Uka with a worried expression.

“Uka what the hell happened? Why is my son mute!?” My father shouts
leaving Uka mute as ever…so this is not part of their plan?

“I think I got my powers back” Uka says and my father looks at him shocked.

“What do you mean?”

“For the first time in ages, when I looked into the pot I saw something” he says seemingly shocked. Me the most because I did not know that Uka did not have his powers…then why was he advising my father without any form of spiritual backup?

“What did they say? What is wrong with my son?” My father asks and I feel like a bad son for even thinking for a second that my father would hurt me by shutting me up. He would never.

“Jurian is going to die” What!

“What?! Why?! How?!” My father asks shocked as I am…why am I going to
die? What did I do?

“The gods are not happy with what we are about to do”

“And what is that?”

“They do not want us to kill Bella’s child” wait so they did not kill my son as yet?

“That is nonsense” My father says.

“The gods say that Bella’s child must come live at the palace, and his mother as well, when they are closer Jurian will have his voice back and he will not die but the longer he stays away from them he will die”

“Dammit! How will I explain this to the king of Dungu, and Liana! She is
pregnant for heaven’s sake!” My father rants and I do not even care…I am just glad that the gods are on my side and they will let my son live.

“Uka call your men and tell them to bring Bella back from where they are keeping her" my father says as he sits next to me and he looks at me.

“I won’t let you die okay?” he says holding my hand for the first time in ages. I search his eyes and I can see the fear in them…he needs me to live he wants me to live.

Uka turns to us after putting away his mirror looking frantic.

“She escaped” He says.

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