Fairytale paralyzed you

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“This is just a me theory but I think that the original plan that you should be sticking to is the plan you had before you needed a plan for your finger”  Marian says and I remember Jeff’s book idea.

“Jeff came up with a book idea today and it got my attention”

“What is the idea?”

“Jeff’s story is about this girl named Jane. Jane spends her whole life planning for her future and then one day she gets paralyzed the day after making all the plans she had made for her life, instead of prospering she finds herself in a state of depression trying to figure out where it all went wrong…the story is titled Before the plan”

“Before the plan? Hectic so what are thinking?” She asks me.

“Exactly what you just said earlier on about my finger and all”

“Yeah now the real question is before going on a mission to solve your finger what other missions were you focused on?”

“My fairytale with Jurian”

“Yeah but that is in line with your finger though I mean your fairytale
paralyzed you, sorry but it is the truth” she says and she has a point.

What I had planned out in my head did not turn out as expected.

“You have a point” I say, I am grateful for Marian, she is always here being my voice of reason.

“Yeah so now, wait wait your finger is doing that thing again” She says and
then my finger glows up with the same pain I felt the last time and then it starts writing something.

“Derick? My brother? What does he have to do with anything?” Marian
questions after she reads the name that is written on my finger.

“Oh I know…before the fairytale my plan was to find the people that killed Derick!” I say and my finger soon stops glowing and then the pain goes away and I take that as a yes! Yes…that was the original plan!


I finish up the last bit of food on my plate and then I take out my macbook
ready to download the book that Gloria was talking about. I want to read it because as much as I want to be done with Jurian I always feel like there is more I can still do and this book is going to help me realize that. I hope it does.

“The kind of love that keeps a man?” Jeff says as he reads the book cover and then I switch off my MacBook and then he laughs.

“You are married, what more do you need to keep a man?”

“You do not listen in class do you? Judith said that we should check the book out if we want to support Gloria’s idea” I say and he just sits down across from me.

“So you are not voting for me?”

“I have to be fair”

“Fair? Oh please we both know who you are going to vote for”

“Psssht who?”

“Trey even though his idea sucks”

“Hey Seek is a good idea, a lot of people can relate to lost love”

“Oh please Trey is suffering from unrequited love, unfortunately I come from a place where I can never experience such” He smirks and I almost want to laugh.

“You are too confident”

“For a hot guy like me? Honey this is just a layer to my confidence, anyway I am going home tomorrow after class my dad called me so I cannot go to the library with you and Marian” he says.

“It’s cool, now if you will excuse me I need to head upstairs to read my book” I say standing up and going up the stairs to just relax my mind. When I get upstairs I open the door to my room and I find that Jurian’s
bedroom door is closed and I just stand next to it and I breathe in deeply before walking into my room.

After closing the door to my room I hear giggling coming from the other room and then I put my ear by the walls and I listen in and that is when I hear Jurian and Bella talking and laughing it off like a real couple, like a couple that is in love.

I step away from the wall and then I sit down by my bed and I look at the ring on my finger.

What does this even represent because at this point it is just here for decoration, all that I get from this ring is heartache, it is just a constant
reminder that I have the title and she has the title deed to his heart.

I want to hate her, but just like me Bella is sitting with her own prince ready to make her fairytale a reality and me? I am waiting for my knight to come and rescue me from this ring, this new reality that was caused by my desire for someone else’s fairytale for Jurian’s not my prince to have, and he belongs to Bella.

As every bit of me breaks I find myself resenting the ring on my finger, it meansnothing to the person I had hoped it would mean the world to…why should I wear it? Why should I care? I immediately remove it from my finger and then I throw it across the room and that is when I feel my finger…

Stunned, I start pinching my ring finger and I can feel every sort of movement, I feel my finger again!


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