Jealous husband stunts

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“So you are going to vote for me right?” Trey askes as we both sit in the cafeteria having lunch.

“I will vote because you are like my friend here so my loyalties are with you” I say honestly.

“What about your brother?”

“My brother?”


“Oh yeah, he makes fun of me way too much so nah” I say and he laughs…I like Jeff’s idea it sounds sad, but Trey’s sounds more I don’t know relatable for some reason.

“Seek, what inspired that?” I ask.

“I-” before he can even answer me Jurian grabs a chair and then he sits down with us.

“Leave” he orders Trey and I just smile at him so that he can leave before Jurian causes a scene, Trey gets the hint and then he leaves.

“Why do you always have to do that?” I ask.

“Why must you always talk to him? There are girls all around us, make friends with them”

“You can’t tell me what to do”

“I am your husband” he whispers.

“Only by title, don’t now want me to be your wife when it suits you”

“You guys do not even know how to hide it” Jeff says as he sits down next to me and then he grabs my fries.

“Hide what?” Jurian askes sounding annoyed.

“That you love each other…adorable really but remember that here you guys are brother and sister so Jurian stop with the jealous husband stunts, they are anyway beneath you” Jeff says and Jurian angrily pushes his tray of food off the table and everyone looks and then he walks out.

I do not even pay attention to that line of Jurian being jealous because that is not like him and just like Jeff said…it is also beneath him, he just wants to control me through a title he refuses to take responsibility of and me being close to Trey means that I won't get close to Jeff...Jurian is looking out for his own interests.

“Come we need to get to the janitors closet” Jeff says.

“Janitor’s closet?”

“The secret pathway remember? I told you yesterday that-”

“Well we have class now”

“Oh yeah, okay after school”

“I have a thing and-” I say because I promised Marian that I will come and see her later on.

“Am I missing something?” He asks.

“Why do you ask?”

“Because you do not seem to want to know or solve your problem…Liana you need to focus on yourself and not what my brother has going on, remember before the plan that his behaviour does not matter, so after school we are going to the basement…period” he says sounding more like his brother, if only he knew what I knew…Supiona does not exist.


“Come on smile” Jeff says as he closes the door to the janitor’s closet.

“Cheese” I say showing him my teeth for a millisecond and then he rolls his eyes at me.

“You and my brother really are the same in some way”

“Oh please no I would give you an award for comparing me to a pig than Jurian he is-”

“Hey, do not try and make him look bad, he is your husband after all…anyway where do you think the secret door is?” he asks and a portal opens up and Marian stands on the other side.

“Why did you guys even look for building plans when the place is a portal away?” she asks and I smile as I get inside.

“Marian?” Jeff stares annoyed for days.

“At your service”

Once we are all inside we switch on the lights to the basement and a whole library comes into view.

“Oh great a book hunt” Marian says sounding displeased or disinterested, probably the latter considering how we both know the truth.

“How weird is this? That a book about your grandmother’s whereabouts could be beneath a school on earth, why not at the palace for easier access?” Jeff wonders...

“Why is she in hiding number one” I say because none of this makes sense and I am glad that Jeff is catching on.

“Maybe Uka is confused” Marian says.

“Or he is sending us on a wild goose chase, I would not put that past him,
anyway did they say which kind of map would help us find your grandmother?” He asks eager to help, if only he knew the truth.


“I guess we will just have to ask Jurian back at home later on, let’s go we will come back once we know exactly what we are looking for” Jeff says and then Marian and I look at each other.

“I wonder what lie Jurian is going to say this time around” Marian whispers.

“That makes the both of us”

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