Bloodshed mends no fences

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I sip my tea for a brief second and then I look at Supiona and she smiles at me and her eyes have so much admiration in them.

After she recognized me she offered me coffee and she was more than happy to see me.

“I am so sorry for being so weird dear just that, you look so much like your
mother…you are so beautiful my little mellow” She smiles and I am unsure of how to react.

All my life the only grandparents that I knew were my father’s parents, my mother had said that she no longer had contact with her family…I wondered why for some years but after coming to no conclusions I had dropped my thoughts and declared them dead. It’s strange for me now to be sitting here having tea with my mother’s look alike.

“It’s okay, you look like my mother too so I guess we can both stare” I try to
crack a joke and just like a typical grandmother she just smiles at me.

“How is your mother? And your brothers? Quinton and Kingston that is” She asks me and I pull a face…my mother passed away and as far as I know I do not have any brothers so what is she talking about?

“Mom passed away, I thought you knew” I say and she puts her cup of tea down and then she looks at me as if asking me to tell her wha happened.

I do not know what happened myself…all I know is that I woke up one morning and my father was in tears and when I got to my mother’s room she was as cold as the north pole.

“She had a heart attack” I say blankly…I was over my mother’s death long before the whole kingdom could forget or even phantom her death. I wanted to be strong for my father, I have never seen a man that broken before… I knew then that love exists so when I fell in love with Derick I knew what I was doing and I knew what I had expected, I wanted a man who could not imagine his life without me…I wanted a man who would be broken just like my father
had I died, yet here I stand today with a man who could care less about my
paralyzed finger.

“And your brothers?”

“I am an only child”

“How is that possible? Your mother gave birth to quadruplets…I
remember very well, I named you Liana, and then your brother the one that came before you I had named him Kingston and your other brother I had named him Lorenzo and then you were born and then the last born I had named him Quinton” she says and I give her a blank look and she understands so she stands up and she goes to her desk and then she takes out an image and then she hands it to me.

I see my mother holding two little kids in her arms and my father holding another and Supiona smiling while holding another kid…I had brothers?

“This was the last time I saw you and your mother, before…anyway yes, your brothers”

“Before what?” I ask. In this picture my mother and Supiona look like they got along, a strong bond at that, why then was I made to believe that my mother’s family no longer wanted her?

“And you said Quinton and Kingston, who is my other brother?” I ask because she said my mother gave birth to quadruplets.

“Oh Lorenzo, I do not ask about him because he lives with me” she says and my eyes go wide…I cannot believe this.

“So if Lorenzo is living with you and I am living with my father, where are my other two brothers?” I ask.

“No idea, I thought they were in Pugh with you”

“And why are you on earth and not at Pugh?” I ask because it is weird for her to be here, and she looks like she has been living life like a normal human being.

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