Even on my death bed

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I sit in the car trying to put all the pieces of my puzzle together. Last night I came back home after speaking to Marian and we both agreed that we would try and find out what the original plan was or is…we both believe that in order to uncover whatever is happening here then we need to stick to that plan now
the problem is, is the plan the one that I thought of or is it the one that my father and his cohorts thought of?

I am really dreading going to class right now because my first class is with Jeff and my plan is to avoid him as much as I can because for some reason my father and his goons believe that Jeff and I need to grow close…I really want to know why but I have a feeling that in order for me to know why then I will have to
find out by doing exactly what they want…I can’t do that for people who have zero regard for me and my paralyzed finger.

I look outside my car and I see everyone rush to class while bumping into each other, talking to their friends some even making out with their boyfriends.

I wonder what that is like…to be so in love that your partner shows you all the affection in front of everyone and he seems to not mind, for him it is like all that matters is his girl…and the girl seems to feel the same way…must be nice.

The last time I was in a relationship was back in my high school years back at Pugh. I was with this guy named Derick who happens to be Marian’s brother.

We grew up together because his father and my father were best friends so they were always at our house.

Our relationship was amazing, best years of my life really, I fell in love with my best friend and then one day we all woke up and my best friend’s whole family was found murdered at their house, luckily that night Marian was at my house for a sleepover.

I felt like the world could just open up and swallow me because right after that my mother suffered a heart attack after she got the news, she was close with Derick’s mother so she did not take the news so well, she passed away a few days after them and my life since just been me and my father and Marian.

My father was so focused on getting revenge that he let me run the kingdom’s affairs and that is when all the kingdoms met up, my father had said that I should attend the dinner to represent him, I went there of course and that is when I met Jurian.

The minute I laid my eyes on him, the thought of me and him together took away the pains of remembering that Derick was no more, he was gone and maybe I wanted to believe that the gods wanted me to have Jurian, I believed it so much that the thought became a goal, a goal that soon my heart felt needed to be achieved and just like that I fell in love, and as if the universe had conspired for us to be together Uka told my father about the prophesy…I was more than happy, a new happy ever after…the girl who found love in a hopeless state.

Unfortunately life is anything but what I picture it to be, Jurian has no love for me even by a long shot and the sooner I accept that the better.

I grab my bag and then I head on out to class, I am probably late because of all the thinking that I was doing so I am going to just chill in the library, better that than being in the same class as Jeff. Also I do not care about my attendance because I finished school decades ago.

I enter and I find it empty and so I head to the corner of the room and that is when my mirror rings and I quickly decline the call and then I send Marian a message telling her to text me.

Girl I know what the original plan is…come see me tonight the text reads and I let out a breath…she sounds sure and one thing I can always depend on is Marian’s brains.

After a few minutes I hear the bell ring and then I head to my next class.

The first day I was just passing through classes without paying any attention but I guess now I will just play along for the sake of it.

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