Soul cleanser

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“What does this even mean?” Marian askes after I tell her what happened with my finger.

After I started feeling my finger I put the ring back on and then I could not feel it anymore but right after I removed the ring I felt it again.

“I do not know but all I know is that I cannot keep wearing this ring”

“But that is a symbol of your union, maybe let us go see Gogma” Marian
suggests and I look at her for a brief moment before agreeing to go see

Gogma is Uka’s superior, she is the most powerful wizard in our kingdom and she normally has all the answers that we need. Normally we would try and talk to Uka but he seems to be in on the plan with my father and the king of Fefe so it is better that we try Gogma.

When we get to Gogma’s hut at the top of the mountain she lets us in and then she serves us her medicine tea. It has leaves, seeds and all sorts of
sand…she says it helps make your soul pure and it opens your heart for greater things and it is a soul cleanser, for some reason she believes our souls need cleansing…my heart yes but my soul? It has been misguided that is all.

"What do you mean you did not know that I got married?" my eyes go wide as Gogma reveals the shocking news.

"You told Uka to tell Fedu and Duo that Jurian and Liana should get married" Marian says.

"My daughter...i have been blind for a few years now...i have not been speaking to the gods for years" she says...

"So where did Uka get his information?"

"So my marriage is fake!" I realize...

“You know the cure for your finger Liana, it is not hard to see that the problem is with the ring and not your finger…your union is not blessed” She says and Marian looks at me and then back at her.

“What do you mean not blessed? The gods said that she should marry Jurian, how then is their union not blessed?” Marian asks because at this point I just feel a bit uneasy, I feel like Gogma is about to tell me that my union or rather fairy tale will never come true, a reality I knew but refused to accept.

“You are next in line for the throne, the gods have someone for you yes
because that is how it works…they communicate these things to me and thus far they have not told me that you are to get married” Gogma says.

“But Uka told us that-”

“Uka has been stopped from practising so he is under no liberty to be giving any instructions from the gods…You need to reverse this marriage, reverse it Liana…the longer you keep this ring on, the more body parts you will lose”

“But can’t I just remove the ring? I mean reversing is such a big thing” I ask because as much as Jurian is not mine, I am yet to let go, if I take the ring off that is okay but at least let me keep the title.

“No, you must reverse it” She says…
Getting a divorce from where I am from is not as simple and clear cut as getting divorced on earth, where I am from, there are procedures to be
followed…heavy ones at that.

Marian and I get our things and then we head back to the lake so that we can clear our minds and think logically about all that has been happening.

“If Uka has been stopped from practising how then did he convince your father and the king of Fefe to have you and Jurian get married? What does he stand to gain from this union? Also what are they even planning? And if Jurian is not
for you then who is for you?” Marian askes all logical questions.

“The same way he convinced us all, he showed up and acted as if it was
business as usual…and also they said that me and Jeff should be close, maybe Jeff is the one?” I assume because why else would they insist that Jeff and I grow close?

“Nah there is a flaw to your thinking girl…Gogma said she has not received a name so Uka cannot say that Jeff is the one…they want you guys to get close yes…but for a different reason”

“Now the real question is why do they want Jeff and I to get close?” I ask.

“Tomorrow they will be having a meeting, I will find a way to listen in”

“Also Jeff is going to see his father…I will sneak into their palace and find out what exactly is happening” I say…it is time we get to the bottom of this once and for all.

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