The night before

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Marian's POV

"Thank you so much Gogma we really appreciate this” I say to Gogma after she gives me a potion that will help me turn invincible for a good hour, long enough to walk up into Fefe’s palace and find out why they called Jeff home.

“It is nothing my child…be safe” She bids me farewell and then I leave her house and just as I am about to drink the potion and open the portal to Fefe my mirror rings and I see that Liana is calling me so I answer.

“Hey girl I am on my way to Fefe” I inform her so that she knows about any progressions that I make.

“Oh apparently the king wanted Jurian and not Jeff so Jurian just opened a portal to go see his father, I am going to the basement with Jeff so just yeah I was letting you know” She says.

“Okay let me not waste any time, talk in a few” I say hanging up and then
opening a portal to Fefe kingdom.

I find myself outside the palace doors and I look around and I am lucky that the front door is open so I just walk in glad that no one can see me.

I know where the king’s chambers are so I head straight there because I am
assuming they would want to have their private conversation there.

“Father I do not mean to disrespect you but Jeff and Liana will never fall in love, it just won’t happen” Jurian says…whoa so that is why they want to get Jeff and Liana close…so that they get married? But why? Why did they let her get married to Jurian if they want her to love Jeff?

“This is not about how possible it is…it just has to happen” The king orders…he sounds desperate for the pair to fall in love and Jurian sounds sure that it won’t happen…of course it will not, my sister loves Jurian.

“Has Uka suggested anything else because at this rate Jeff will not love my wife” Jurian says almost like he is jealous, but that is just it…Jurian has care, so much care that I am starting to confuse it with jealousy.

“She is not your wife”

“You forget really fast” Jurian says as he shows his father his ring finger.

“Bella is pregnant with your child, you will reverse your marriage with Liana once she falls in love with Jeff”

“Father but”

“Jurian I will not repeat myself, this needs to happen before Liana and the king find out what we did” So Liana’s father is not fully in on the plan? They must have said something else to get him into this plan…I knew it! I knew that Liana’s father would never not care about her finger…but the question is…what are they hiding that they would do so much to hide it?

“You mean what you did…I was not the one that-” What Jurian says after that leaves me shocked as ever. Liana nor the king will ever let this slide if they find out!


Liana’s POV.

After drying up my hair I put on my pyjamas and then I head downstairs for dinner and I find Jeff there looking a bit stressed.

Earlier we went back to school and we checked the entire library for books on Supiona but all those books were written in a different language so we just took a few that had Supionas name on them then we decided that we will translate them tomorrow, of course we still need to figure out the language that was used and that is going to be a mission and a half.

I feel a bit bad for sending Jeff on a goose chase because I know that there is no Supiona.

“Don’t look so down, we will make a breakthrough”

“I do not know about you but we need to move fast, Elena is getting tired of
me not being around as much as I used to” Jeff says. Elena is his girlfriend and I completely understand.

“Why don’t you just go back home?” I ask him because to me my husband
should be helping me look not my brother in law.

“Jurian does not give a damn what’s up with you so someone has to, as much as I want to get home to my girl, I also do not want to leave you here stranded , I know Marian is far and you need someone…it can’t be easy for you” he says sounding sincere…oh my goodness.

My whole life Jeff was the playful dumb one and Jurian was the uptight one who had no time for jokes. I always found it weird that a prince would have such a huge personality like Jeff, he was just bubbly…I never thought of him to be a caring human…what I would do to love him but unfortunately my heart is
all in for the bad twin…the one who keeps telling me about his love for
someone else.

“Thank you”

“It’s all good…tomorrow hopefully we find something, goodnight” he says and then he leaves the room and that is when a portal opens up and Jurian walks out of it and I just stare at my plate trying not to acknowledge his presence.

“I know you know that I am here” he says and I just stand up and head
upstairs…I am not in the mood and quite frankly I am curious to know what Marian found out.

Just after I close my bedroom door Jurian gets in and then he closes it.

“Liana you are next in line for the throne and you seem to not even know a thing about solving conflicts” he says and I huff.

“What conflict?”

“Okay, I do not know how or when I did this but I am sorry for leading you on”

“You do not remember leading me on? How about the look you gave me when we got married huh? You seemed really happy?”

“The whole kingdom was there, was I supposed to frown and make everyone aware that this is not real? You know this is not how love should be, forced”

“So I am forcing you to love me?”

“That is not what I am saying…what I am saying is that you had Derick before so you know how love should be, what you had with Derick is what I have with Bella, do not now ruin it for me just because a piece of you in dead” he says harshly…

“Dead” I nod before opening the door for him…

“Out” I order him with every piece of me breaking…his words had some truth but the way they were delivered was not okay.

“Liana I am-”

“Out” I say again, trying to sound as calm as possible and he just walks out and after he closes the door I fall to the ground and I hold on to my stomach as the tears go down my face.

I look at the ring on my finger and I feel so much pain.

You know what?” Derick says to me as we sit on a blanket by the lake and he holds my hand as I lean back on his chest.

“What?” I ask with the biggest smile…he did that to me.

“One day I will put a ring on this finger” he says holding out the right finger.

“I will have to say yes first”

“Of which you will”

“You sound so sure”

“I am and then on our honeymoon night, I will put a baby right in here” he says as he puts his hand on my stomach and I blush.

“You sound like you have it all planned out”

“Oh Liana, I had it all planned out the moment I laid my eyes on you”

I feel so much pain at that memory…that was the last time we were together before he died. It was the night before.

How I wish to have him hold me like that, Jurian is right I know what love is and maybe I am trying to impose what I had with Derick on him…but I should know better…there will never be another man to love me the way Derick did…I swear if I knew who took him from me I would make their lives a living hell because that is what they have done to me…they took away my sunny days and left me with cloudy and rainy days…

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