Chapter 15

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JOANA CHECKED her emails on her iPad that late evening. There were no replies from Lilya Devon Jensen in their secret email account which they both shared. Joana had consistently for the past few days placed daily entries by writing in detail about a guy she met and interested in, along with other girlie stuffs since her return from New Orleans.

Mrs Scott was seated at her favourite chair nearby with her usual knitting —but at the same time she noticing her granddaughter was in her own space on the sofa while resting her injured foot—the red-headed was occasionally blushing and sometimes smiling to herself. Frequently, her toes were curling.

Marlin was lying on the bed in his room, staring at the ceiling. He had excused himself after dinner and turned in early. He needed some alone time to think through his escape in the early wee hours in the morning on one of the motorbikes in the barn.

He has been there at the farm for days and has not seen any of the Aryan sister-boys using any of the bikes. He was wondering if the vehicles were in a travelling condition because the journey to Washington was a long ride east. He needed to find Dr Jane Morris once he was there—after his prison break, she was the only one who knew the specific location where his mother and the rest of the Russian scientists were in hiding.

Part of him was already missing Joana whom he has grown fond of since coming over here. Her caring and sharing nature were positively instilled by her grandmother Edna when raising her. He was also aware that Roxy Gilman will take her away soon on Friday but he felt Jo would be safer there in the Aryan camp—wherever that was located—in case, if it was hit by Jensen's elite troop, they will have a better fighting chance rather than Jo getting ambushed here in her grandmother's farmhouse...

He was going to sorely miss her.

What if both the bikes were broken? Then he will be left behind when Joana followed Roxy away—what will happen to him then? Will the Aryans keep their word to let him live or will the sister-boys put a bullet in his head and bury him in the backyard—just like the animus Lee has said before?

Now he was contemplating to kill both the armed sister-boys before stealing the motorbike tonight...

Lee and Cynthia were drinking beers and were laughing outside in the porch. Then Lee glanced at her watch and stood up—and opened the front door. She saw the old woman and her Aryan Commander seated. Lee notified that she will be shutting down the generator in ten minutes—Mrs. Scott placed her knitting aside when the front door closed.

"Jo, you better turn in, I left your antibiotics by the bedside. Take it before you sleep, dear." Obediently, Joana got off from the couch and used her crutches and gaited towards the old woman; she bent over and kissed her forehead. "Good night, Grandma."

She went to her bedroom and positioned the single crutches aside and saw the antibiotic capsules and a glass of water. She turned to notice a bright small box on her pillow—she picked it and discovered half a dozen condoms in it.

Joana blushed and giggled softly to herself—her sweet old silly grandma has something naughty planned with a seal of her blessings.

Marlin ascertained the houselights going off to total darkness—he discerned it was 9 p.m.

It was similar routine like when he was in Tombscradle where lights-out was at ten during his five years of isolation on the top floor in Block F. He used to lie in his cot back then, thinking of his Suki Takahashi quixotic fling before he drifted to sleep—even though Suki was not coming back to his life again nor into his dreams—but that routine had kept him sane in those lonely Tombscradle years. But tonight, his mind has been going through the ins and outs of his escape plan instead...

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