Chapter 3

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THE PARK was decorated with victory banners and thousands of pro-Cory multitudes who were chanting when the President stepped on stage—waving to the crowd, heading up to the podium to give her usual demagogue speech to hundreds of reporters and the sea of Neo-dominatrices gathered in celebration. She orated with animus superiority...

"Yes, we defeated them today at their own game—and this is a great historical female victory over our adversaries!"

After the deafening cheering settled down, she continued speechifying in vigor energy in convincing of her recent conquest...

"The terrorist leader, the one whom they call the Preacher—had led this dangerous and malicious attacks against us in Louisiana; leading the ultraist and fanatical group called The One God's Army—and together with their militia allies The Aryan Sisterhood, they terrorized and razed the streets of that once beautiful city of New Orleans—but rest assured, we have defeated them all!

Cory confabulated her malign accusations to demonize her adversaries to create fear of terrorism among the public...

"You see, both of these malcontent anarchist groups have caused many terrorist acts in these recent month—such as bombing of sperm banks, causing prison breakouts—and they even slain the former President Anne Rosewood. Even these extremist firebrand agitators almost killed our very own beloved Vice President Mary Freeman in New Orleans—but thank God, and also thanks to our brave women in our agencies like from the Police, CIA and FBI—we have managed to fight and crush them in one of the fiercest battle in the American civil war history—with that all happened less than 24 hours ago in our very own backyard in New Orleans, Louisiana.

"Many of our brave service women have died today in the line of duty while protecting the country—but the surviving enforcers have managed to cripple the enemy leader for us—but the one known in reports as the Preacher, that sneaky leader had escaped despite his injuries that he had sustained...

"He is now at large somewhere in this country. Yes, he is hiding somewhere in your neighborhood; and like just any injured animal—he is now licking his wounds and so that someday very soon, he will recover back to health—than he will make a comeback in full force once again to attack us all!

"He will be back to reign more grievous terror by burning your own home to the ground with your loved ones trapped inside—and he will once again return and rape the trust that we women has blindly placed upon these New Breeds in the past..."

"Be warned, everyone over here—these extremist are dangerous; and anybody out there—I repeat—anybody who ever supports, aids and harbor these depraved criminals in their homes or fund their terrorist activities—they are committing treason to our country...

"Those traitors, I will assure you will be dealt with severe punishment!"

The filibusterer manipulated deceits for her personal political agenda to presaged the laity in that victory speech...


Television sets at every home across the country broadcasted the speech live where their president declaimed vehemently...

"That is why I have come up with some serious and severe extirpate measures to capture The Preacher, before he attempts to butcher us all once again—I have imposed the local authorities the rights to execute searches in your homes and conduct curfews at those highly dense crime areas—where we believe that The One God's Army will next recruit your 'free-males' children to join them into their future terrorist cause..."


Prevailing hours later after Cory's presided her mandate broadcast nationwide—hundreds of screaming proletariat women and their free-male Intersexuals children protested against the ordinance on the streets in downtown New York—the Rosewood stronghold held up realpolitik placards and banners...

'No to Home Search, We want our Privacy!'

'Cory Destroyed New Orleans!'

'Rosewood's death is a Cory-spiracy!'

There was also a 'mock Chinese-dragon' effigy with its head image of Cory's face with an anatomy of a snake raised slithering on stilts held up by the protestors.

From all sides of the street, full geared Riot Police with plexi-shields march in column formation—marched in while beating their batons to it. The remonstrating crowd pelted them from advancing with rocks—some recalcitrant demonstrators turned cars over to salient barricade themselves from the advancing policewomen who were firing rubber-bullets...

A pint sized tween Hispanic girl wearing a bandana ran headlong alone, and she hurled a Molotov cocktail that broke at the path of the trooping police—they retaliated back to the attack by rushing forward with their waving batons—fustigating the headstrong protesters into bloody pulps. The Snake-woman effigy burned among the trail of hundreds of bloody civilian bodies swelling on the tarmac.

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