Chapter 7

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THE NEWS on the television played while Gates buttered her toast at her residence that morning; Lucinda overheard the newscaster reporting...

"The shooting incident that happened 2 days ago between the highly decorated Elite-SWAT police officer Capt. Roberta Jensen with the members of the terrorist group of One God's Army, which had left 4 of its black Jamaican origin members shot dead.

"Unfortunately, two white accomplice members of the maliciously OGA terrorist group had managed to abduct the sister of Capt. Jensen. The victim, Laura Jensen, 29, who is a coma patient seeking treatment at Cedar-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, was kidnapped and then driven away by the 2 Intersexual terrorists in a red Ford Mustang..."

Lucinda Gates gasped at the screen displaying of a blow-up photo image of Reeves and Joe in a wig—she dropped the bread on a plate, and came closer to the TV, listening to the updates broadcasted...

"In an interview last night, Capt. Roberta Jensen has offered a personal reward of $100,000 for anyone who can assist in the abduction investigation that can lead to the recovery of her missing sister, Laura Jensen... if you have any information of these 2 individuals please call the number on the screen..."

Gates presumed that Joe was deep into the devastations of the Preacher's movements; and if she interfered, then the CIA's spotlight will be on her— Madeline Cory will then know of her surreptitious involvement...

Maybe it is best if she focused her effort on saving the twin-girl instead. Gates had read the current classified reports that she went by the name of Joana Gilman—Gates needed now to find this daughter of Samantha Cory before she too gets caught in the crossfire with the CIA's assault-teams that was now closing nearer into every terrorist lair each day.


Roberta's TV interview footage was broadcasted with reporters in the rain— with her holding an umbrella, looking sombre with eye-bags resulting from sleepless nights worrying, and investigating with her department Intel in DC. A split-image then appeared on side of the screen with a close-up photo of Laura in a coma; Roberta spoke to the TV camera...

"It has been more than 48 hours since my sister has been kidnapped by that terrorist Preacher's group—and they drove my frail comatose sister away at gunpoint."

She did not mention anything about Reeves—Laura's son as the abductor.

"Laura also has a heart condition, and is in need of her meds consistently—the longer she is out there unattended—that decreases her rate of survival.

"That is why I am offering my entire life-savings as a reward to anyone out there—to both women and Intersexuals—to come forward to give me the right information to Laura's whereabouts, which will then assist my investigations into finding her.

"Please I urge you to act now, and please be fast—because I want you out there to save my sister's life...

"Please help me!"

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