Chapter 15

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THE THREE NUNS were kneeling at the altar, reciting the Apostle's Creed with the two elite force cops, drawing closer behind them, hearing them praying...

"Give us today our Daily bread, and forgive us for our sins — as we forgive those who sinned against us..."

One of the female elite cops vociferated loudly to the nuns...

"Hey, you holy-roller cunts — where are those shemales? Where are they fucking hiding!!?"

The nuns disregarded the loutish language in their house of worship — the nuns continued their praying. The e-SWAT cop nodded to her partner, seeing the nuns recited the closing of the prayer...

"Lead us not into temptations, and Deliver us from the Evil One, Amen."

The Elite-force cop also echoed. "Amen," before she shot one of the nuns — the blood plashed and defiled the white linen cloth of the holy altar.

It was the e-SWAT's mandatory orders from Washington — that all the dissenting nuns should be executed — in their mission to eradicate the rebels who opposed the President's New Order.

The rifle shot slumped the nun from her kneeling position to sprawling flat on her face. Her face was soaking into her own pool of blood. The other two nuns were frozen in shock. A younger sister who was covered with blood splats of the dead nun soon burst into frightful tears. The shocked Sister Sarah picked up her courage, and glanced at the crying nun beside, clasped her hand firmly — and she instructed in a shaky voice...

"Sister Theresa, come now — let us recite the Hail Mary..."

"Hail Mary full of Grace, the Lord is with You..."


Doran at the yard — did not hear the silencer fitted gunshot fired inside the Cathedral. His attention was both on the axe that was lodged on the tree stump — and also at the flamethrower who moved closer towards where he was hiding.

He would be immolated — incinerated to his death if he jumped the flamethrower while armed with only a pair of cudgel clubs — he would be burnt to death like his mother in his once prison basement...

But he still needed that axe...

The flamethrower's attention was diverted by the loud clucking...

She saw the coop with three plump turkeys, she then humoured herself. "Roasted yummy turkey — gobbling fucking 'Happy Thanksgiving' birdies!"

She approached and torched the birds — their feathers burst in combustion when they attempted to fly away, they dropped down as burning carcass.

Matthew and Peter would have been horrified if they had witnessed the mindless snuffing of their prized birds, which they daily fed during their chores — and both would have sworn never to crave nor indulge the taste of roasted turkey ever again.

The big uniformed woman was walking pass the tree stump laughing — but, the axe was gone — and so was Doran from where he hid...

The monk-boy had other plans now, as he headed towards the Cathedral...


"Holy Mary, Mother of God..."

Doran heard Sister Sarah's pitched voice praying at the altar when he reached the broken front door. He crept on the floor with the axe, and he hid behind a pillar inside the Cathedral when he saw both the black-uniformed enemies ahead.

His eyes bulged in aghast to discern that the two Elite-force members were letting the sisters finish the prayer — before they aimed the rifles at both of the nuns' heads from the back...

He wanted to cry out to warn them, but was flummoxed at the moment — if he did so, the enemy will shoot him dead too from the distance where he was hiding — he was too far — about seventy feet away from the altar to physically strike both the soldiers down.

He then heard the weeping Sister Theresa joining in the prayer...

"...pray for us sinners now — and at the Hour of Our Death, Amen."

Shots off the silencers rifle were fired — and both the nuns' heads ruptured. They died instantaneously. The two cops went to check their kill, by kicking the three mission's sacrificial corpses that were sprawled at the altar floor — but, they both were caught off-guard by a cry of rage, that come from behind them...

The axe slammed deep into the helmet of one of the Elite-force cop...

Doran knocked down the other elite force member; she received multiple raging facial and bodily blows from the wooden cudgels — the rifle was whanged off from the beaten cop's grasping fingers.


"What da' fu..."

The flamethrower outside turned to the sound of the broken glass smashing — witnessing a fellow Elite-force member coming crashing out of the Cathedral's stained-glass window.

The muscular woman ran over, examined her dead colleague who was missing an eyeball and had a cudgel-stick lodged deep into the throat...

"Holy Mother of blowjobs!" bellowed the shocked flamethrower.

Then, she noticed Doran's movement inside the Cathedral — she rushed forward to the broken window to shoot a line of flame at him — Doran ducked the fiery jet attack. The woman now jumped into the Cathedral broken window, to get a next clearer shot inside — to kill him...

The mission details were to get the shemales out alive — but one less headcount of the monk-boys, would not make any difference today — after he had just killed two of theirs...

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