Chapter 15

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THE NEXT MORNING, Zinga and Kujo were coming out of their cabin, heading to the area where they practised their target shooting—the vigilant Joe was on still on vedette-duty—spying out through the diaphanous curtain of the window while giving Reeves the updates of every Jamaican movement and activity with a touch of malign...

"Their breakfast of egg white splooge is done; Zinga is out with his lover-boy Spooky Kujo, they are heading for practice."

Outside, Kujo has started working his crossbow on a different target board under a tree while Zinga was petulantly looking at his wristwatch.

Inside, Reeves was on a new hush-hush development with Troy who was pointing at some data in the laptop screen on the dining table. Reeves kept looking up—noticing Joe and True Bob were doing their regular routines with constant niggling—he spoke in a low whisper...

"Troy, are you sure?" The Intersexual buddy responded with nods...

"Yeah man, it has been more than a month since they moved her."

Since the standoff with the Jamaicans yesterday, Troy too felt their presence at Lake Huntington was nearing to insignificance. Their current mission was in jeopardy with the interference of the certain fraction of street gangsters in The One God's Army who operated with their own self-serving interest which was opposed to the Preacher's unity objective preached in his sermons.

Reeves had beforehand discussed with Troy who was in charge of the team's Intel and strategist of their mission in Lake Huntington—they both agreed that aborting the Cory assassination mission was the only option to stay alive, and everyone should go their separate way from then onwards as deserters—but right now, their first stumbling block was the ferocious Jamaicans watchdogs and Li Chi's influence on them since the OGA's major defeat in New Orleans.

Troy now understood why Reeves wanted to take off and head east since they got their freedom from Tombscradle—he would have then gone off with Marlin to find for Laura Jensen in a hospital in Washington—and Reeves would have met a dead-end because many events have changed since the last information Reeves had gained at Tombscradle's infirmary—and now Troy was setting his good friend at the right path; the path to Los Angeles...

"Please double-check bro, it can be someone else."

Troy browsed the files that he had recently hacked, and he showed another page on the laptop to Reeves...

"I have run checked it a few times—see this, like the nurses who spoke last at TC infirmary that Mimi Jensen was transferred from St. Elizabeth's hospital in DC—but now they have moved her again to Cedar-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles for a Transcranial Magnetic Stimulated treatment...

"I even checked what TMS treatment is—and it is related to brain injuries and coma patients, and see here, the transfer document was signed by someone with initials, A.W—sounds familiar, bro?"

"Agatha Wolfe?"

Reeves uttered while he recollected seeing the photo of Agent Wolfe in the Council of 13's ten recently. The Secret Service woman was also briefed once at the AOG camp as one of the most dangerous members in Cory's staff; and even Reeves had a brief encounter with her at the age of twelve while at Wesleyan University, the day before the research facility was shut-down by the woman in the suit from Washington.

He heard Troy reconfirming that his virtuoso discovery—it snapped his reveries. "Yeah, do you remember that she is one that the Preacher himself told to keep a lookout for in one of his sermons in the desert?"

Reeves recalled again of one of Doran's current sermons in the Mojave Desert where he indirectly indicated that Wolfe had threatened to kill his monastery flock, and that action by Whitehouse Secret Service woman had him initiated his insurgency in the Tombscradle penitentiary.

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