Chapter 16

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THE ANDROGYNOUS youth stood in front of the mirror, laved his tired-looking face with cold water—he slipped on a t-shirt that was provided to him over the pair of shorts that he wore. He then bonded his flowing blond hair into a ponytail.

He stepped out, sojourned at the slightly ajar bedroom door where Joana was still asleep. He proceeding to the living room where he spotted Mrs Scott seated on one of the chairs, alone knitting...

She looked up at the Intersexual coming in sight, she spoke to him for the first time since his arrival the day before—she even has forgotten to thank him for bringing her precious granddaughter home safely from the battlefield...

"'Boy, there is some coffee on the table, if you want."

Marlin thanked her and poured a mug of the brew—a newly acquired taste he looked forward to along with beers since coming out of Tombscradle. He peeked out of the window where the sister-boy called Cynthia was removing the front two tires of his Toyota Camry and has placed bricks below—a measure to prevent the prisoner from escaping. The other one, named Lee was in the porch with a shotgun.

Marlin was brewing in agitation; he sat at his usual spot quietly in the living room and he sipped on his coffee...

He was thinking of ways to overpower the two sister-boys if they were to assail—and next was his exit strategy to escape—but his car was the only vehicle in the farm that he knew of—but there is a barn at the back— maybe that is where the Aryans concealed their rides...

His thoughts were interrupted by the knitting Mrs Scott who spoke up...

"So you are part of the terrorist troop—that God's Army rebels?"

He silently sighed inwards; since his arrival after deserting the fighting in New Orleans and coming a long way to the xenophobic Mississippi, he has taken a load of insults from his house-arrest by the internecine sister-boy bodyguards and also from more affronts of both of her sharp-tongued granddaughters—and now, was the old woman wanting the due of her fair share—ready to pick a bone on him for being part of the Preacher's outfit?

He kept quiet for a moment before he politely elucidated the actual situation about those who were adherents of the God's Army front—and at the same time she reminded him of his older guardian Dr Jane Morris—so he maintained respect to the host, who herself had mulishly spurned at the terrorist activities from her acuity of the Aryans Sisterhood outfit where both her intractable granddaughters have taken up arms to defend the Brand.

"Actually ma'am, we are not terrorists at all—we are just surviving from the genocide imposed by Madeline Cory's government against our own species. We just want her removed from the presidency command—and hoping the new government after her will be more forgiving to our kind."

After he said those words, he pondered and realized that he had uttered the same message the Preacher had exuded in the Mojave Desert. But he had his own recalcitrant personal disagreement on how Doran wanted to achieve that goal with an eye-for-an-eye intention. This lack of belief in the Preacher's dissident was also the cause of the reason of why he became a deserter of their mission after the AOG rebels fell defeated in New Orleans by the well and sophisticated President Cory's paramilitary enforcers...

The old woman's responded in return; it staggered him as he heard her...

"Cory is a bitch, a real evil bitch—and I have known her personally but that was a long time ago. Her cursed husband was also the most corrupted human being that I have known—and it is good how it all ended then when the bastard killed himself, and that brought justice to all the innocent young girls whom he had victimized."

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