Chapter 9

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ANGRY HISPANICS JEERED AND HURLED insults in Spanish at the naked scar-faced youth — another prison guard was unlocking the second sally-port gate. They dragged him towards the fence of the Latino side of Tombscradle. When Doran was inside their compound, some of the Latinos came forward to physically abuse him — and the accompanying prison guards shielded him from the attacks. The female guard from the watchtower began to fire warning shots in the air to keep the obstreperous mob below at bay.

The Preacher was yanked towards Warden Graves and Capt. Olsen, who waited at the soccer goalpost mouth. Behind them was a peevish glowering Corporal Vinnie the Evil Midget, with a plastered bandage on her face. Everyone present slowly settled down, when Warden Graves began addressing the gathered crowd of the Hispanic gangbangers...

"This convict has attacked and very daringly injured one of my guards — and he has also been causing unrest amongst the prison staff and other prisoners alike, since the day he set foot into Tombscradle..."

For the first time, the Warden had to impose public corporal punishment on Doran— after he had head-butted the Evil Midget's face and broke her nose during the semen-milking sessions at the auditorium that morning. It was not the first time he had festered trouble in his entire five years in Tombscradle — and as a result, Doran in the past spent many months in a year locked in the solitary holding as his punishment — but, he kept returning back from the abatement, with no sense of any remorse at all for his rebelliousness...

The Warden wished she could 'green-light' him — in an unseen '10-10 Furlong' incident in the penitentiary — but she could not — because the all-knowing Washington held some special interest in him for his crimes for killing five e-SWAT personnel. Someone in the Whitehouse by the name of Agatha Wolfe even had in the past, contacted the Warden — to check if the 'scar-faced boy' was still alive...

"Now tell me — does the Preacher deserve to be punished?"

The whole Hispanic denizens echoed of their consent in an uproar...

"Then, let justice be served..."

Warden Graves nodded to Headbull Anderson who then instructed her guards to fasten and suspend Doran by his wrists on the crossbar of the soccer goalpost.

He peered dolorously out of the barred window of his cell in C-block. The seventeen-year-old Michael was wearing a monk-robe top, made out of his blanket — a practice that was first actuated by Doran himself, five years ago.

His cell-block was a distant opposite across on the other side to the Latino compound, where no one could hear what Warden Graves had alleged — but everyone knew, about the injustice in Tombscradle, of how the warden favoured the Hispanics to get her dirty deeds done. In return, she granted them the endowment of privileges from the proviso of salubrious rations — and even the budget to grow grass for their soccer pitch in the desert prison yard. It was all done to keep the order among the Latinos inmates in her tight-ship prison administration.

But the gap of unfair imbroglio among their rivals of gangs had caused more dilated detachment with the Blacks. Recently, the situation had rankled the warden, when allegations spread of Doran's promising of starting his revolution to subvert Tombscradle. This currently had struck fear in the guards, and the Hispanic inmates — of a possible riot by their Black rivals.

Now, Warden Emma Graves really needed to break him today — and deliver the message to abate his hopeful followers with a precedent — 'those Niggers who supported the Preacher and his malcontent ideas would be severely dealt later — by suffering like him tied to the goalpost!'


The twelve-year-old scar-faced boy sat alone on the bleacher with his trembling hands on his head, weeping softly in guilt-filled remorse of the sordid acts committed inside the Auditorium. Things were getting close to the worse every hour for him, since only days ago when the uniformed forces commandeered the monks by force after destroying the St. Mary's orphanage — and sending the survived orphaned monks to Tombscradle.

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