Chapter 14

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MADELINE CORY was seated while Lucinda Gates and Agent Wolfe stood beside when the president spoke to Emmanuel Ramos Garcia on the video-feed—he was the eighteen-year-old Intersexual, the newly elected President of Mexico—the first of the kind of the New Breed-specie president in the world.

"Okay, I am glad that you are aiding my government but it has been weeks now, President Garcia; but why do you keep delaying the entry of our federal agencies into your investigations? You and I know that the terrorist Preacher has taken refuge in your Mexican soil!"

Madeline was losing her patience by the Young Turk's protracting tactics that were interfering with her election timeline schedules.

"I am afraid we need more time, Madam President Cory—our local agencies over here are doing their best in the search of this rebel leader, Doran, who has caused much devastation in your country..."

The intolerant Cory intervened when the young leader was a little incessant in his replies which she perceived were more of excuses. She clapped her hand once to zeal the Emmanuel Garcia's attention before she spoke again in determination...

"That is what I am saying, Mr President—my CIA here is effective in these sort of search and destroy executions pertaining to worldwide terrorist matters. We have a wide database that we can share in magnanimity with you—such as Intel that goes back way before the Medusa days which will mutually benefit Mexico; so that it will prepare your country if ever there were such similar future attacks—just like that Mad Dog Salazar's Army insurgency of violence that broke out during your own election months ago."

President Garcia was sedition as he scrutinized Cory's offer seriously, but he then was upfront in his response...

"I am sorry...this is the very reason my cabinet don't want your preponderance CIA on our soils—because they know too much. It is a matter of our own National and Internal Security breaches in past perfidies that had caused internal turmoil in my country. Therefore, we have now come to the decision to deny your federal agencies' involvement inside Mexico. I frankly apologize to you as your neighbour—but in return, please let us do our responsibilities here in finding this dangerous Preacher ourselves; and once we have apprehended him—we will then willingly hand this criminal over to you."

Cory felt disparaged by this third world amateur, and she intimidated him...

"What are you so afraid of, boy? Was it that your election victory into the Presidential Palace was funded by drug Cartel? Hey, we have every detailed Intel on you since your birth—and we can even topple you any time if you don't cooperate or come to an agreement to something to such a minor as this current matter!"

She was now on the verge of an iniquitous of accusations and was in a harassing mood to get the matter resolved her way.

"Those are preposterous allegations, President Cory—how dare you insult the Mexican polity! Yes, I will still deny you and your CIA agents to any access into my country—and I will never be one of your puppets to be pushed around to do any of your errands...

"Furthermore, I don't care about your fabricated Intel on my past because over here, I was elected fairly as the President by my beloved people to proudly serve them in my country!" the youth leader raised his voice and Cory countered him back...

"Hah! Listen here, boy—I am giving you 48 hours to hand me that terrorist Preacher and if failing to do so—your beloved half-assed run country of yours will then face some major consequences—you bet, it will be ugly!"

Emmanuel Garcia did not appreciate of her pouring scorns and peremptory threats on Mexico—and also of her vilify view on how he administered his presidency...

"President Cory, I repeat—I am not afraid of your threats and let it be a reminder that I am the President of Mexico—and I expect you to give me equal respect despite my age, experiences and gender. Good day to you!"

She further sneered at him...

"Remember this, Chico—you have only 48 hours remaining in you presidency or else the next time I will personally see to that you will be selling oranges on the Mexican border!"

The young Mexican leader did not want to be further denigrated and the screen goes blank with Cory laughed out aloud along with Agent Wolfe's guffaws—Lucinda Gates has a beaten expression by the turn of events that just happened—of how the insidious Cory has prepared herself effortlessly to go to war with Mexico by using the fugitive Preacher as her excuse.

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