Chapter 10

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THE LONG HAIRED TEENAGER had plugged on his electric guitar. He wore his head-phone when he was composing his tune at the edge of his bed. The abhorrence within his tolerance was at the breaking point, for he was not allowed to play his instrument as loud as he wanted nor permitted to leave the White House and jam with his fellow musician buddies whom he befriended online — but, his angst flowed well into his creative opus with his angry fast fingers playing the rifts...

Gillian was not aware that his blithe 'mother' — Samantha Cory — had entered the room, and was calling for him. She came from behind then and removed the seventeen-year-old Intersexual's headphones.

"Why are you not dressed up, dear? We are having dinner with your grandmother now."

"You go ahead, Mother, I am not coming," he was steadfast and continued his creative oeuvre — Samantha was bothered...

"What's wrong Gillian?"

The boy replied casually while still strumming notes on his Fender. "Nothing, I have just finished five hours of being tutored — and now, I want some alone time. I also hate it too when I am always being surrounded by people."

She knew he was disquiet. "Is something bothering you, tell me."

He sighed — he could trust her with lots of things because since the day he arrived here in Washington DC during Cory's Inauguration — Samantha had always been supportive and caring of all the things that he did and said since...

Gillian told his concern. "I hate staying in the White House, why can't I leave this place and go to college on my own?" Samantha stroked his long hair and she replied. "Please dear, I have lived all my life by not knowing you who you are — I really missed raising you as a child — and that is why I want you to be with me always."

Madeline had kept her promise and returned her 'son' — and it was now her duty to keep the baby chic in the nest always.

But he needed Samantha to see his reasoning...

"Yes Mother, but I have lived here for 4 years ever since I got here — but now, I feel like a damn prisoner. I can't move freely without those Secret Service bitches tailing me — especially that Agent Wolfe — she is really scaring the fuck outta me, Mother!"

Samantha laughed and teased her son. "Language sweetie — you are beginning to sound just like your grandmother."

This provoked him more...

"Please don't compare nor associate me with her — I really despise her — and I know she hates me too. She hates my kind, and she always badmouths about the Intersexuals openly, like I am not even present in the room!"

"Honey, you are stressed, how about I arrange a holiday in Hawaii at our beach-house this weekend — and we both can leave this place for a few days — and that will make you feel better."

He hated when she was into her mother-knows-best mode...

Gillian was now more agitated and placed his guitar down. He was getting scornful...

"You are not listening, I don't want a fucking holiday, Mother — why can't we both move out from the White House, and stay and live a normal life somewhere else?" Samantha sat beside him and she was slightly docile after he had raised his voice...

"Gillian, it will be difficult. You know your grandmother will not let us leave this place."

He had predicted her response too — each time, when it concerned any decision making, Madeline Cory will always be there in disapproving them. He blurted out...

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