Chapter 14

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DR JANE MORRIS, THE EPIDEMIOLOGIST SCIENTIST,  addressed the world medical delegates with a projector slide with credence statistics and graphs. She read from her keynotes — the speech was covered by television crews inside the Pan American Health Organization building in Washington D.C.

"Our latest WHO statistics revealed that an average of thirty million of the male population is dying all around the world every day. The biochemical attack which first started in major cities in the United States soil has now spread to the other side of the world — after similar terrorist attacks were made in the western hemisphere.

"The airborne virus known now as the Medusa Virus has been mutating in accelerated speed and has spread to every country and every city and town — and right up to the remotest villages, such as in Asia and Africa.

"This shows that the air that we breathe is no longer safe for any human male species — but it is still unknown what side-effects it will have, on the female population in time to come. The virus, as you have known was a malice creation made by certain individuals, based from the deep stem cell bioengineering works of the Nobel Prize-winning scientist — Professor Dr Boris Yankoff — a DNA stem cell biologist, who descends from Russia and now is an American citizen — and he had also once worked as a consultant-scientist in the CDC," she reproached.

There were some bellyaching heard from the flagrant crowd in the hall — but Dr Morris continued to give her speech after a short pause — but, the delegates still continued their private discussions loudly among themselves.

"I repeat, his research as we have all followed in the media has been misused by a group of certain deviant Russian pharmaceutical magnet, and the Slovakian scientists, who have infused it into a combo of the avian influenza H5N1 and influenza, pandemic Spanish, swine flu — that resulted to this super-powered and deadly bio-contagion...

"...which we now know it as, the Medusa Virus...

"This deleterious mutation compound is causing an irreversible manner of effects by quickly killing the human male — by crippling their immune system through their exposure to the breathing air — but, on the other hand — it is sparing the lives of the female gender..."

The TV camera panned into the crowd of delegates whose boisterous clamours that got even louder. Dr Morris stepped back from the podium when empty plastic water bottles were pelted at the stage.

A female delegate from the Middle East wrestled to get the floor microphone from an official before she spoke out in a British accent...

"I am Dr Khadijah Haroon and I want to speak on behalf of the Arab Nation of the Middle East. You said that this unholy, disgusting, swine-filled Medusa Virus attacks on the US were masterminded by the known Russian, pharmaceutical, magnet Mikhail Mladic...

"My question is — why is he not brought to justice?

"His counterpart too — the fellow Russian you American people harbour, that Dr Boris Yankoff — who is also at large here in the US, and he too is also not apprehended...

"My question again is — why is the United States acting so carelessly slow in detaining this Russian terrorist organization — that is solely responsible for this global disastrous pandemic?"

The delegates cheered in support of the dauntless woman's censure — Dr Morris waited for their applauding to subside before speaking again...

"I'm sorry, this is a not a medical-related question — and I am afraid I can't answer that."

The crowd booed and Morris spoke out louder...

"But, I am sure, the relevant authorities will give you a satisfactory answer — but for now — we are here today — to discuss the health measures and medical implication of the Medusa Vi..."

The Middle East delegate woman interrupted — and spoke even louder...

"Yes, those will be some fabricated answers that are just like what we have all been hearing from your media, which always don't make any sense. It is so clear that the Russians are using this virus as a WMD on America to gain a position in the Global Economy...

"Now, the rest of the world is suffering from its ramification — but yet, not much has been heard about the action by your American government to counter it — other than your domestic horror-CNN news of the virus, televised daily..."


A frail-looking President Walter was on his deathbed, while his wife Ann spoon-fed him with clear soup. He gently blocked her hand away and watched the WHO debate on the big screen television in the bedroom.

Tears rolled down from his eyes, and the old president of the superpower nation was coughing, while listening to Dr Khadijah Haroon on the air...

She was tearing down the policies of his administration to shreds...

"In the past, the American government had bombarded several Middle East countries without a blink of an eye for mere suspicion of terrorist activities — and even for false Weapons of Mass Destruction allegations!

"Those counties were bombarded severely by your US drones — resulting with high fatality rates, by the loss of several hundreds of innocent lives per attack — until these counties, were reduced into war zone rubble...

"Yet here today, we, the nations outside the United States are witnessing the cowardice country of yours, which is so afraid to take action against the big and mighty Russians...

"So what is the US now trying to say here? It has double standards on the opponents it chooses?

"Does your country only bullies and bombs the nations with weak and helpless brown people — you please answer me now, Dr Morris?"

Dr Morris stood her ground and responded to the angry woman's reproaching...

"Once again, Doctor — Dr Khadijah, I am not in the liberty to answer that — because it is out of my scope of discussion."

The majority of the delegates booed again and Dr Khadijah Haroon blatantly started to foment, by speaking in Arabic to the Middle East delegates, before she threw the microphone to the floor in choler...

The assembled doctors cheered out louder and drummed on the tables in support...

A male, German delegate, who wore a medical mask picked up the microphone, there was some feedback when he tapped on it before he spoke into it...

"Dr Morris, I am Dr Karl Simmons and I would like to know — what the CDC's status is currently in the medical investigation?"

Dr Jane Morris reciprocated...

"Yes doctor, the Centre of Disease Control and Prevention has been working on a 24-hour alert — and have so far, as I had mentioned — they had identified the nature of the Medusa Virus which is a combination of the H5N1 Virus fused into the Spanish Flu..."

The impatient German countered in spurn when he heard her repetitious casuistry answers...

"Yes-yes, we are all doctors gathered here — so stop getting textbook with us — now truthfully, tell us Dr Morris — has the CDC found a vaccine for a possible cure like the previous Covid-19 pandemic...?"

... to which Dr Morris replied...

"This will take some time because this virus is one and the first of its kind — a lot of research will have to be conducted on the Medusa strains — before CDC can determine the next cause of action, which is the finding of the cure."

An angry, male delegate from Malaysia choler out with animosity...

"Every one of us will be dead by then, you fool!"

More innocuous missiles were flung onto the centre stage, with the whole auditorium of flagrant delegates beginning to jeer back in dissatisfaction and hatred — it totally drowned the doctor's voice.

She inferred that her presence was only causing more hostility among the acrimonious international delegates.

Dr Morris left the mutinous auditorium, accompanied by some watchful security guards.

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