Chapter 16

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THE SENIOR TURNKEY GUARD marched ahead. It was an unusual request that the officials from White House would visit this late at night. The guard accommodated Lucinda Gates and Secret Service Agent Harrison, who followed her in the narrow corridor of the Psychiatric Unit of Washington DC Correction Facility.

Agent Sian Harrison was one of the senior White House Secret Service members — a retired FBI field agent who came to serve as Madeline Cory's security detail when she was still the Senator for Pennsylvania.

Lucinda Gates had personally interviewed her to be in the Secret Service Division — alongside with her other colleague Agatha Wolfe when Cory later became the president.

Harrison was very loyal to Gates...

Today, she was collaborating with Lucinda Gates in a personal clandestine quest — of saving the children of Samantha Cory, ever since the President had put a hit on both of them, for being involved in various confabulated cover-ups, which labelled both the twins as terrorists.

Harrison had a handful of furtive agents at the White House who secretly disapproved the unlawful precept plots of Madeline Cory and their superior Agent Wolfe — ever since the conspiracy behind the murder of the former president Ann Rosewood.

The turnkey guard gave some assisting insights to the two visitors — who insisted on going in person to the cell of the prisoner rather than meeting at the visitation room...

"She is eating very little, Ma'am. She keeps requesting for the newspapers every day — and that she digests well daily...

"But, not her proper meals — or even her medications."

The guard turned one of her key in the jangling bunch. It opened a cell door. Harrison came in-between the door entrance...

"Do you want me to follow you, Ms Gates — there is a possibility that she may get violent."

"No, that will not be necessary Agent Harrison — please wait outside."

If it was not for the photograph findings in the President's Oval Office, Lucinda Gates would not be here. After further investigation, she found the identity of the nameless Intersexual suspect in the CIA database — the God's Army suspect rebel in uniform, who was carrying a probably injured daughter of Samantha Cory was Marlin...

What a coincidence it was — that the adopted son of a woman, whom Gates had malfeasance, by sending her to this prison here...

Now, that boy had now located one of the twins...

Lucinda Gates took a deep breath before she took heavy steps and entered alone into the dim cell. There were piles of old newspapers on the floor — and lots of cuttings posted on the wall on headlines — mostly pertaining to President Cory, the late Ann Rosewood, the Medusa Virus and ongoing of the new breed studies.

She saw the figure of the woman sitting on her single cot.

Gates had totally forgotten of her existence since she had cast her away, with the authority given by her serving president, more than six years ago. Today, Dr Jane Morris was someone the world had long forgotten — and was left locked up alone in a stone-cold Psychiatric Unit prison cell.

She used to be a vanguard during the Rosewood's administration — Dr Morris was the head of W.H.O. then and had overseen the Disease Control and Prevention when the Medusa Virus first outbreak happened eighteen years ago in America, before spreading rapidly to shroud the rest of the world in demise.

She had boldly gone on air and spoken in clarity to the world that was then baffled in the dark about the virus threat — that had later wiped out the entire three billion of the male species on the planet, in less than a year.

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