Chapter 17

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EVERYONE WALKED INTO THE OPEN YARD. Out of about one thousand seven hundred of the Intersexual Tombscradle prisoners — fewer than nine hundred inmates survived the seven hours of ghastly insurrection ordeal, instigated by the Preacher on that day in Tombscradle.

Doran, Hajja and Li Chi sauntered across the muddy yard towards E-Block, with the throng of Blacks and Whites following them from their rear...

The bloody ground was filled with the carnage — macabre remains of fellow prisoners, prison guards, Elite-soldiers whom all fell deceased, among the scattered metal chunks of the once ominous e-SWAT choppers, which were blemishing now in profuse black smokes.

The throng known as The One God's Army now stepped on the broken-down warden's apartheid fallen fences — that she used before to divide and ruled over the incarcerated races — they were all preceded towards the green grassed compound of the Hispanics...

Elite soldier Sergeant Desiree Brown hid alone, while she watched the mass gathering.

Doran noticed Reeves and Troy conveyed the injured Marlin — the masses laudably cheered out to them too...

"Jensen! Jensen! Jensen!"

Reeves Jensen and Marlin Petroff were hailed among the valor heroes that gave conquest in the uprising in Tombscradle on Redemption Day — they both brought down a minatory Blackhawk and knocked out both of the kill-frenzy watchtower-snipers.

Doran stood on the grass, he caught the sight on to his right, where a group of Middle-Easterners were dragging the Elite Commander Petersburg who was tied and gagged. Li Chi and the Chinese triad then strapped the e-SWAT Commander to the soccer goal crossbar.

The Preacher also saw the reunion of Michael and Peter — they both were hugging and praising orisons to their God that they have survived. There were less than a dozen of the blanket-monks present with them — many died on that day as martyrs — in the Preacher's mutiny to liberate the mass denizen of the penitentiary.

Ramirez and his unarmed Hispanic people stepped out of D and E-Blocks — they approached the Preacher and Hajja near the soccer pitch.

Ramirez was lugging a small satchel and he emptied the content — Warden Graves' severed head tumbled on the grass...

Ramirez booted the head to Hajja, who stopped the tumbleweed-like rolling, haired cranium with his heel...

"I have delivered what I have promised, Hajja — please spare my people."

The Black leader was satiable with the purvey of the evidence — that the loathed warden was finally dead. Ramirez turned to the gathered mass and he attested his pawns and detente out openly. The Hispanic leader spoke out, he glanced finally at Doran...

"I pledge that my people from now on will serve the Preacher and his God's Army. We will not fight with each other anymore because the true enemy is the one that hates our kind and will do anything to easily exterminate us all if we don't unite — just as you had preached to all, padre,"

Doran nodded — Hajja approached and he shook Ramirez's hand.

Both the motley leaders transcended their differences — the rest of the Blacks and Latinos rooted out aloud with the schism of the two hatred rivals that now was resolved. Everyone turned and looked at Doran — and raised their guns and fired in the air, chanting aloud...

"Preacher! Preacher! Preacher!"

Doran calmly walked to the soccer goalpost where the gagged Commander's wrists were bound to the crossbar. Behind him, some of the once implacable Hispanic and Blacks who were in pax, and were having waggish fun — by booting the warden's head around on the pitch like a ball.

Doran pulled out a single sock that was gagging the loudmouth woman and he dropped it on the ground — an Iraqi picked it, and wore back his borrowed sock...

Commander Petersburg gasped to regain her breath, before she started yelling in stentorian...

"You, fucking religious freaks! You wait now — more of my backup will come next to hunt all you sons of bitches!"

"We never meant no harm to your kind, woman — but if you insist to start a war — the One God's Army with its Heavenly Guidance — will punish and crush you all, until the last war mongering female on earth falls, and bites the dust beneath our feet."

The Preacher cautioned his presage to the captured Petersburg...

"Fuck your religious mambo-jumbo prick sermons, you ugly mug — the US government has already declared war on you, and the rest of your bitches here with dicks! You will all go down, and will not have a chance against us — do you all hear me you, Jesus cocksuckers?"

The vituperative Petersburg blurted back in rage at the Preacher's face...

Doran could by no means comprehend the rationality behind the female cause in the present post-Medusa era — he had heard the same reasoning from other women like the warden, her guards and even the one named Agent Wolfe — who made their maxim that the new Intersexual breeds should remain lesser as their subservient — but, never as their equal.

He reckoned that the uprising that had been sparked now would need to be pursued beyond the walls of Tombscradle — into the domain of the larger populace of Intersexuals in the cities — to those over there, who needed to be unshackled next, and be emancipated...

The Preacher caught a glimpse of Wu Leong, who was now wearing a belt strap with a few hand grenades attached — he took one and yanked out the pin — the horrified Hajja who was standing beside him, backed away and exclaimed...

"Preacher, what are you doing? This is insane!"

Every one backed away, even some ran away, leaving Doran alone near the tied-up Elite Commander — the Preacher was still gripping on to a live grenade — he clutched the Commander's cheeks with his palm, and packed the whole grenade into her mouth — like the Holy Communion Eucharist bread — that he had served in the many prison yard Sunday Masses before...

Petersburg made a gagging choking sound biting on the bomb. The Preacher stared into the e-SWAT Commander's budging eyeballs — and, he vowed his final libretto...

"Woman, take this message to Hell — that The God's Army will prevail on this earth!

"Eat my word and you will live — spit it out, and you will perish — do this, in memory of me!"

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