Chapter 8

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NURSE EKER WHO WAS NOW in her fifties, stared at her — and so did the ageing female security guard beside her...

"Who did you say you are again?"

"Norah Jensen."

Snow White had gone through many of Roberta's personal documents while she was nesting in her house. Lilya Devon had taken the first name of the psychiatrist, who treated Roberta during her trauma counselling treatment, after killing a Hispanic rapist-janitor in that same hospital ward, many years ago...

"And how are you both related?" the curious and cautious nurse inquired.

"I am the youngest cousin to Roberta — and so, I was asked to come and visit my cousin Laura because, you know — if you had followed the news on TV, Cousin Roberta is admitted back at the St. Andrews Hospital, after being shot while on duty — so I am here on her behalf," the albino girl rattled her lies in front of the two adults.

"Yes, the shemale gang shootout — I saw it in the news — how is Roberta, by the way?" the nurse said with a concerned look.

"She is recovering fine, and will be starting her physiotherapy sessions soon."

The nurse handed a clipboard with an attached form. "Okay, sign here Norah, Room B-415, down there on your left." Lilya walked away.

The gawking security guard soon jested. "She really is freaky-white, I would be scared as hell, and may get a heart attack if I were to bump into her alone, in my night rounds."


Lilya closed the door. She saw three coma patients inside the room. She went towards the mid-twenties Laura's bed — and placed her pallor hand on her arm, and caressed it gently.

"Hi Mimi, I am Lilya," she whispered into her ear...

She had heard of stories that her mother told about her boyfriend Javier Monroe ...

...who raped Laura as a girl when she was still in a coma — and the little sister then came to the rescue. The hero-girl killed the 'beast' while trying to protect her elder sister...

If Javier Monroe had not died that day — Lilya and her mother would have been also dead, hours later that very same night — had that Hispanic janitor boyfriend returned to their home after his evening shift.

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