Chapter 2

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NOBODY SUSPECTED THAT TODAY'S matutinal hour, was when the Great Prison Breakout was about to happen — neither did Warden Graves nor her guards or Ramirez suspected it — nor did others like Joe or Marlin who were all still locked up in their individual cells, with the hundreds of others.

No one had the slightest inkling of the unfathomable insurrection events that awaited out there next — it was the inception moment of the Preacher's imminent legacy in the Medusa era — it was when an uncouth monk in a blanket robe had led the handful of street convicts, ready to spark a privy riot in Tombscradle — where in months later, it was written on worldwide online chronicles that the Soldier of God had gone on further — and shook the entire nation into mayhem.


The insurgents trot over the concrete 'bowling alley,' and were closing to the big-yard fencing; running in their regular two line formation — with two White Intersexuals posing as armed guards at their rear...

They were nearing the prison cell-blocks...

In their respective A, B and C-Blocks — the Black and the White inmates were still undergoing punishment in the prison lock-down. The Whites were reprimanded for the second day after the disturbance in the yard, where the water cannons were forced to disperse them during yesterday's Sunday Mass. The Blacks were chastised for almost a week with lesser hour in the yard — it was alluded among them that the warden's coerce punishment was on Hajja's BGF violence — after some of Ramirez's men died in a brawl outside the Auditorium over the sex-doll sanitation dispute...

Just only the Latinos community were let out after a day in lock-down today — they were promised a longer privilege hours in the outdoor clement sun, inside the confide space of their side of the fence. Their Tombscradle's soccer league had started for the summer, with cheering Latino inmates betting on the prison teams, which were named after glorious sides from pre-Medusa's Spanish La Liga squads of Europe.

Ramirez was at that moment with his Lieutenants, nonchalantly playing poker — smoking cheap stogies and were drinking Corona — a compliment from the Warden — who was secretly celebrating a private occasion alone, in her office that morning.

The next batch was now gathering at the staging area — it was frustrating for Head-bull Anderson in her new repertoire of the mixed-batching Intersexual semen donors schedule — it had screwed up her daily crews' work-flow timing — Anderson peeked over to glance at the late arrival of the earlier batch from the Auditorium — and that made her curse sacrileges.

At the top floor office of the admin edifice, Warden Erica Graves was now a proud grandmother at the age of forty-two — she had just printed some photos sent by her daughter via email, after delivering a female infant — the warden was awed with pride at the family snapshots of her own grown female offspring now cradling a beautiful baby girl, with her uxorious lawyer lesbian-husband beside her...

Her daughter had paid a premium price for the genuine, highest quality, freehand semen of the last of the now-extinct male species — purchased from the Pre-Medusa Eon Auction at The National Cryobank. The servitude semen collection of the orphans and gangbangers at Tombscradle administrated by the warden herself, was perceived to be substandard by the affluent strata — because it was secreted from the inferior, hybrid specie of Intersexuals — which was more suitable as free donation — to the general public — for the purpose of mass female propagation.

On the ground-floor of the IMU admin building was Capt. Olsen's office. She was having her second coffee of the morning, reading a newspaper at her desk with the headline that promulgated — 'Cory Boosts Economy.'

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