entry #26 | σffℓïηє

Start from the beginning

(Y/n) wanted to clap for her friend but refrained from doing so. This girl deserves a medal. And McMuffin deserves a trophy for being able to still be standing up.

"Well? Why are you still here?" She made a swiveling motion with her finger. "Turn your fake a** around and get the hell outta here before I go quote-unquote 'Corona banshee' on you."

(Y/n) coughed to mask her snicker at the sight of the group turning pink with anger and scrambling away with model-worthy grace. "Don't think there'll be a next time," Mackenzie shouted angrily. "You won't be able to keep up the attitude for long!"

"Oh, but there won't. Because next time, I'll cut to the chase and end your pathetic life."

The blonde blanched and quickly ducked out the door, followed by her minions who sent a mix of fearful and scathing looks at the two girls. The room was quiet again with their departure, no longer filled with their mocking giggles and clicking of their deadly weapons. Heels, (Y/n) shuddered. Heels.

"Ugh, I hate dealing with Taylor. She always got on my nerves. Ever since we were children she had it out for me." Wei Wei uncrossed her arms and faced the shorter girl. "But whatever, let's get to our next class now, okay?"


They left the locker room fortunately without anyone waiting outside to ambush them, and waved goodbye before going their separate ways. (Y/n) went straight to Spring Hall where her English classroom was and went inside with a sigh. She prepared herself for the worst, holding her hands over her ears and keeping her head down.

It was a good thing she did that. The screaming and the excited chatter of the girls as they gathered around the two males nearly blew her off her feet. Mr. Howards looked uncomfortable behind his desk as he tried to get them to settle down.

"Please don't sit on my table—" He tried to say good-naturedly, but the girls either didn't hear him or chose not to.

"Charles said to back off," one girl snapped. "So move aside!"

"Why don't you move aside, b*tch?" Another said. "Why does it have to be me?"

"F*ck off! Y'all crowding him!"

"No, you move first!"

It wasn't much better on Kieran's side, but he was taking it better than the teacher was. He seemed to enjoy the attention as he leaned back lazing in his seat with one arm slung over the back. He smirked as he gazed up at the girls surrounding him, exchanging a few words (Y/n) couldn't hear over the noise.

Was this a classroom or a zoo? And here she thought rich kids were supposed to be "elegant," "poised," and all that jazz. She thought wrong.

The bad thing about the situation, aside from her noise and the fact that she definitely won't be sleeping that period, was that her seat was right next to the male. Which meant she wouldn't be able to sit down until the girls leave. Oh god, the (h/c)-haired girl recoiled. Are they doing their makeup on my table? Please don't, I won't be able to touch it after that. I hate putting things on my skin.

The bell rang, signaling the start of the class. The boys rolled their eyes with some resentment as the girls finally quieted and took their seats. A few stayed, not wanting to leave the side of the white-haired male, but a few words from him whispered into their ears changed that. Not all the girls were acting like hyenas, mind you. It was only a handful of them. But that handful was enough to break a few noise laws.

Was she going to anything about it? Was she going to tell that girl on her table to get off? No. No, she wasn't. That wasn't her job.

(Y/n) irritatedly took an extra seat a few seats away from her own. The awkward thing about taking a random seat was that if the seat's occupant comes back, you're going to have to hightail it outta there before you have to do the strange thing called "socialize."

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