14 KFC and Last Free Say

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"Something about you, makes me feel like a dangerous woman. Something about you makes me feel like I shouldn't"

Athena's PoV

It has been two days and Luca hasn't contacted us yet. We tweet out for food so that we could seem more normal. Noah noticed two guys following us the other day which is a good sign.

"I really like going out you know, being normal is fun" I exclaim as we sit in KFC. Damn was it delicious! Noah just shrugged and continued looking at his phone.  "You should talk more. You are always so.. so... boring" I said and Noah gave me a looking telling me to shut up.

After we finished our super good chicken, we headed back to the hotel. The men working for Luca followed us. They were really good at following without being noticed but we were better so we figured out easily.

We reached our flat and the guys waited down. After a while, the bell rang and a satisfactory smile appeared on Noah's face. "Act normal, I'll get that," I said and he rolled his eyes at me.

The doorbell rang again and I yelled, "coming. Stop busting the doorbell" and opened the door and Luca himself was there with his two dogs.

"Hello there," he says and barges into the house pushing me. If it was any other day I would break his arms off for pushing me, but right now I have to handle this with a cool mind.

"Who do you think you are, coming into my house like you own the place?" I shout at them and Noah looks at them and stands up.

" Nice, she is feisty," Luca says sitting on the couch.

"Who are you all?" Noah said in angry tone. "Calm down there big guy, I am here bringing good news, now sit," he says in a joyous tone. Yuck!

Noah sat on the chair and I just stood there. "Come here darling, sit," Luca says motioning to the spot beside him. I rolled my eyes and sat down with as much space between us as possible.

"So, you are Tyson and you, my dear are Zoey! Orphans broke and need jobs." Luca says removing his gun from his back pocket. I stared at it and then back at him. "Okay douche, we know how shitty our lives are, you don't have to spell it out for us," I say irritated.

"So we are here to offer you a job, that pays well and you will have a place to live, good food, and more people to be with." Luca states. "What is this job?" Noah asks.

Luca chuckles and says "We work for the Caters. You heard of them?".

"The mafia guys?" I say and he nods. "sassy and smart, I like it" Luca says looking at me. "Well, we are recruiting and want you in the job. Both of you. We saw your fight the other day and I am quite impressed sweetheart " he says putting his hand on my leg. My blood boiled and I saw Noah tightening his fist.

"Do we get to fight?" I asked smirking. "Of course you get to fight. We do a lot of illegal stuff and during that, we get into misunderstandings with the other gangs." He says.
"So when will we start," I asked and he just smiled wide.

Luca told us he would take us to the base tomorrow and we will start to train there. And then we would get marked and would join the others.

There was one problem now, our marks. Noah and I already had our gang marks. And we as leaders had the Alpha marks. It was different for each gang but every gang knew the other marks. We had to hide ours.

Mine was a red arrow on the back. It could be easily hidden with my clothes. But Noah's triangle was on his leg and had to be hidden. We have been hiding it with makeup for a while but now we need something which will last longer.

We finally decided that we will cover it with fake skin, made of silicon. It will last longer but will need replacing every once in a while.

"You handled Luca well," Noah said while we were having dinner that night. "It's not the first time I am handling douchebags," I said smirking.

"He will die in my hands in the end by the way" Noah says all of the sudden. "No, I already planned how to take that moron" I crib.

"I am killing him sugar, and his hands are the first thing that goes. Sleep tight" saying that Noah went to his room to sleep and I slept on the couch. He is just weird at times.

I called up Jack and he picked up immediately. "We will be going in tomorrow. So I thought I will call up, cause I don't know when I will be able to call again" I say, and Jack groans.

"Why did I let you go?" He says and I roll my eyes. "You take care of yourself okay, not dying! And how is Noah doing?" He asks.

"Grumpy as always, but he is warming up I guess," I say thinking about my arm injury. "Take care of each other okay, and always have an eye on the other." He states for the 100th time.

"Yeah yeah I know. Can you put Hunt on the line." I say and he gives the phone to Hunt.

"How are you?" I ask. He was quite for some time and then replies, "You are going in tomorrow aren't you?" He asks and I say yes.

" 'thena you are so stupid. How could you agree to such a thing? I swear if anything happened to you I am gonna kill you" he babblers away and I chuckle. "I will be fine okay. Don't worry that pretty head of yours" I say and he becomes quiet again.

"Hunter Mathew Charles, I will kill you if you worry any more about me. And take care of my little brother there okay. Goodbye hunt" I say and hear him taking a deep breath. "If anything going south, abort and... and.. just please be safe." He says in a low tone. "I will," I say and cut the call.

It will be a long journey...

Hey, lovelies!
How's it going? Due to quarantine, I am having so much more time to type new chapters and get many more ideas. Stick together with Athena to know what will happen.
Take care of yourself❤️
The above song is "Dangerous woman" by Ariana Grande
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-xoxo, Lumos.

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