11. Sleep and Demons

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"I still remember the third of December, me in your sweater, you said it looked better on me than it did you"

Athena's PoV

We reached the new apartment in 15 mins. It was not far from the previous one. But we need a place in case the guys check up our background, which I am sure they will.

The apartment was smaller than the previous one. It had one room, a small kitchen, and a couch in the living area. Basically we wanted to look broke and in need of money.

"You could take the room. I will be comfortable here" I said to Noah putting my backpack on the couch. I kind of expected him to object and be a gentleman asking me to take the room.

But of course, it was Noah Knight and he is a princess and doesn't refuse comfort. He just nodded and went inside and closed the door. I always wonder what does he do inside his room for so long all by himself, it must be so boring.

I pick up my phone and call Hunt. "Miss me already?" I hear Hunt. "Shut up. I just called to inform you that we reached. I will call you again tomorrow after the whole plan at the club is over."

"Okay. Hide this phone and even Noah's before leaving." Hunt says. " I know. That's why I called. Anyway, take care of yourself. Bye"

"bye 'thena. And remember what I said. Stay safe." Saying that he cut the call.

I spent the rest of the day on my phone, attending a few calls with Kein, our factory manager and I spoke to Eva to confirm a few things about the plan. Noah hasn't come out of his room yet. I was hungry so I decided to knock on his door and ask what he wanted to eat.

Knock.. knock... no answer. "Noah, you in there?" I asked. I mentally facepalmed my self for that. Of course, he was there, where would he go in a closed house.

"Mr.Knight, I happen to be hungry, what would you like to have?" I asked in a formal tone. I decided to unlock the door, and go inside to check upon him.

I went in and all the lights were off. He wasn't on the study table so I turned to the bed. And there he was sound asleep. I went closer to wake him up but I then decided against it. He barely gets rest. And he needs this rest for tomorrow.

As I turned around to leave the room, I heard a whimper. I turned and looked at Noah who had a frown on his face. He must be having a nightmare. And he was mumbling something.

You know they say curiosity kills the cat, well I was so ready to be dead now. I went nearer trying to hear what he was saying. "...sorry ...please...I"m so sorry" he mumbles in gibberish.

What was he saying? What was he sorry about? I have known him to be cold and distant, so what was he sorry about?

He then stopped mumbling and I heard a soft snore. He was deep in sleep again.
I left the room and decided to order food for us. I ordered burritos for a local store nearby. It will fill us up.

The food was here soon enough. I decided to wait for Noah to wake up. I just hope he wakes up soon because there was a goddamn zoo in my stomach.

After about 20mins of waiting, I finally heard his room knob turning. He came out, looking normal. No puffy eyes or disheveled hair because of the sleep. How does this man always look presentable? If someone saw me when I woke up, they would probably call the cops.

" Lady Athena, you are awake," he says looking at me, almost surprised. Yeah, it's kind of late. But I was waiting for him to wake up! And there he goes again with the 'Lady Athena' calling.

"Mr.Knight, since we will be spending a lot of time with each other, I think it would be more chill if you called me just Athena" I state.

" of course, I don't have any problem with that, you can call me Noah too if you want, sugar," he says smirking, to which I rolled my eyes.

"Here's your burrito, Bon appetite!" I say throwing his burrito at him.

"thank you." He says sitting on the couch. "Not much of a talker, are we?" I say trying to break the silence. He chuckles and continues eating.

I wanted to ask him about the nightmare. Maybe I will someday. Not today.

" So Athena, you have a habit of looking at people sleeping, or is it just me you like to look at?" He says, and I almost chocked in my burrito and my eyes almost popped out.

" Ummm... I came to check on you. To see if you were alive in there. And in my defense, I knocked okay!" I argue and he bursts laughing.

"Calm down sugar. It's alright. I woke up by the sound of the door closing" he says. Will he tell me about his nightmare? Of course, he won't, he isn't your best friend to tell about the dreams. Maybe I should just ask him. He already knows I was there, so what could go wrong!

He almost finished his burrito and was about to get up. I finally made up my mind and asked him "Noah, when I came in there, I guess you were having a nightmare. You were mumbling something about being sorry". As soon as I mentioned the dream, I saw him physically stiffen and guys like him stiffening is not a good sign!

"you don't have to tell me about it if you don't want to. It's not like I am your friend or something" I say quickly. Shit! I shouldn't have said that. What is wrong with me? I am never like this.

I see his lips curve up and I release a breath I didn't know I was holding. "We could be friends. And about the nightmare, well we both know how hard it is to be in this world. We all have our own demons" he said turning around and walking into his room.

Guess that's the only answer I will get from him. And thinking about it, we could be friends i guess.
I don't have much experience with friends, so I could just compare him with Hunter. Hunter was completely opposite of Noah. Noah was known to be dangerous. I did my research on him before we met and he is feared. He is known to have a clean kill.

He is exactly like his father Aiden, thoughtful, and fair. But Aiden is much more polite and outgoing and has a less dangerous vibe to him. On the contrary, Noah is deadly to his enemies. He is loyal to his gang, respectful and a great leader but god save anyone who dares to betray him.

Tomorrow is going to be a long day. I drifted off thinking about all the possibilities for tomorrow.

Hey lovelies!
Cheers to Noah Knight!!!!! And I think Athena is just intimidated by him, which I highly unlike her. What is happening?!
The song above it "Heather" by Conan Gray
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Love, xoxo

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