Chapter Fourty

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"hey aunt" I said and smiled as she approached me. She flinched when she heard my voice. It was dark so she couldn't really see my face but I'm certain she knew who it was. "you look older than before..... Is it because you haven't been getting healthy food since you left?" I asked in a mocking tone. "what are you doing here?" she asked. I circled her while she stood in place. "cause I can help" I caressed her slightly wrinkled cheeks but she slapped my fingers off her face. "you are the one that needs help". I chuckled "you're right.... I need help....... I'm also very hungry" I whispered in her ears and she gasped.

It was a lot easier to feed on her cause she's old, but she isn't really the best, she's a vampire, her blood isn't pure. I threw the remains of her body into the ocean.

"I'm coming for you"

Day four.......... ............. .............. ........


I ran to check on her. It was so early in the morning and she woke me up with her screams. After Fiona left, she's been in her room sleeping, I really didn't want to disturb her but now..

"hey, hey.... your okay now" I whispered to her trying to calm her down. She must have had a nightmare, I stroked her hair while patting her back. I felt the back of my shirt get wet, she was crying. "it's okay baby, no one's gonna hurt you, I'm here for you"i said and kissed her eyes then her lips. She rested her head back on the bed and I layed beside her. Her hands roamed my chest sending sparks all over. She gripped my shirt tight as I wrapped my hands around her slim torso. "I'm here" I kept on saying as her breathing slowly softened.


"I'll be back.. There's a store nearby" I said and pecked her cheeks. Well I got to know how vampire babies are born. It happens so fast, unlike a human being, a vampire baby feeds on its mothers blood and bad things happen if the mother isn't a vampire. Now she's craving for ginger soup, her worse soup, and I have to get it for her, if I'm late, she'll go crazy.

"thanks man" I said to the guy in the store. As I drove back home I passed a guy that looked familiar. It was like in slow motion, I turned to my window and captured his eyes on me, we stared untill I passed him. "what the hell" I said to myself as the pace of my heart beat increased. I just hope he isn't a vampire.

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