Chapter Eleven

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Enjoy 😘 😘

He stopped. Why the heck did he stop.

"we're here" he said and I pulled way opening my eyes. I missed the feeling, I wanted to close my eyes and go back to how it was. I stopped the urge.

We were in front of a glass building. Everywhere was dark so I couldn't see inside of it. I slowly came down and looked around. Behind us were tall palm trees that was arranged in rows, leaving the center pathway. It was beautifully designed to be like that. I turned back and Lucien was gone. I Panicked, but the door was opened so I quickly ran to it.

I gasped as the lights went on. I can't believe it. I cupped my face and stared at the different beautiful flowers that where arranged in rows both on the tables and on the floor. Lucien stood in my line of sight with a cute smile on his face. It melted me immediately.

How the heck did he know I loved flowers. I could go crazy for them. They always give me joy. I took some steps feeling the soft petals of the flowers 💐.

I kicked a yellow colored flower. My mum named me after a flower because of my love for them and I was holding it. I smiled at it. I'm so happy.

"what's the name of this beautiful flower?" he asked from behind me. I turned still holding it. "it's called the jonquil"

"it's your flower" he said and swiped it away then loosened my messy bun. "what are you doing?" I frowned. He shh me and brushed my hair back with his hands then slide the flower beside my ears. "there, it brings out the color of you eyes"

"thanks" I said and tucked a strand that fell. I quickly turned away before things gets weird.

My eyes sighted a pink flower that was specially kept aside. That's definitely a rose flower. I ran to where it was in awe. I gasped feeding my eyes with the view. He followed behind me, i turned and hugged him. "this is beautiful" I said and tightened my grip. He wrapped his hands around my waist. "I know". I broke the hug. "how did you know about this place" I asked. "I knew it through my mum, at least before she died." he walked to a bench and sat then stared at the ceiling that reflected the stars.

I sat beside him. "I wanna know about your mum, how was she like?" I asked. He took a deep breath. "she was the only one who I could run to for comfort. While my brother Rex was busy learning how to kill through my father, my mum taught me how to balance my inner urge and have inner peace with myself. She smiled a lot and adores girls that loves flowers ". That last sentence made me blush but I quickly hid it.

He continued " she had red hair and dimples as deep as the ocean. It showed anything she talked, too bad none of us took any of her features." he smiled, I sensed happiness in his voice as he remembered old memories. I don't even have much memory of my mother.

"she was a peace giver. I liked that about her and I so wanted to be like her. " he went quiet then stared at the floor.

"I guess you'd like her if she were to be here" he said with a smile. "how do you balance your urge?" I asked as more questions creeped in. "it's a vampire thing it shouldn't be your concern"

"why not, I already know things about you guys. Come on"

"alright, I'll show you this special one, I learnt for you". He stretched his arms and plucked a rose flower from its stem. He faced me holding it to my face.

"Life never gives you what you want. It sometimes gives you pain....". That was when I realized what was going on. The flower was floating on his palm. It turned as it floated. It looked so unreal.

"it gives you sorrow...". The stem of the flower slowly turned black, like he was sucking the nutrient off it. The darkness slowly creeped upward. "brings argony, hatred, sin anger.." it reached the flower's petals and I looked up at him. He looked angry, his eyes were now red. "Lucien..". I tapped him and he looked at me. He seemed okay, that's weird. We looked back at the flower and it was dried real bad. "but when some certain people walk in your lift, light comes". The flower bloomed quicker than when it shrienked. "whoa, that was amazing, can other vampires do this stuff" he nodded "we all have different special powers on humans"

"show me more"

"no, can't do. You've seen enough for today and besides your shivering" he said, that was when I noticed it. He removed the jacket and threw it on my body "here, I'll keep you warm"

"I know what it does, and thanks". It was kinda bigger than me. He stood up but fell. "Lucien, are you okay?" I asked kneeling beside him. We stood up "yeah", wait here I'll be back"he looked worried, something was bothering him, I wanted to know. Maybe when he gets back I'll ask.

I walked around admiring the lovely view. "ouch!" I scratched my thigh on something I couldn't see. It wasn't really a serious cut but blood still came out anyways. It flowed down to my knee. I searched around for anything that I could use to clean the blood but my eyes stopped at Lucien. He stared at me then at the blood. "I scratched my leg on something and....." I was interrupted by his husky voice. "Get out of here" he said and raked his fingers through his hair as if fighting something inside. "why, what's going on?" I asked. He backed me trying to breathe. "Lucien, I'm fine you don't need to worry, it was just a small cut." I said moving forward. He held his chest, I felt his pain. What is he fighting.


"get out of here!" he yelled and I flinched. A frown formed on my face, I stood "no" I said "tell me what's going on, I can help you" I continued.

"you can't help me now okay, I feed now and your the food" he yelled and looked at me, his eyes were now red. "I want to eat you". The last statement he said made me scared. I moved back slowly while he fought the urge. "but you said you can control your feeding". He looked at me, his face looked different, the aura felt different. He wasn't fighting anymore he accepted it. I turned and took to my heels. I didn't know this day was going to come.

What do you expect from a vampire

I trusted him so much, as I ran I cleaned the tears that brimmed out. I was his food, he wanted to eat me. I increased my speed but it was in vain. 

I was lifted from the ground and pinned to the dirty floor. Tears came out more. "No!" I cried out and struggled from his grip. "your eyes are prettier than usual, what happened?" he smiled and cleaned my blood with his index finger and licked it. Those blueish vainlike lines formed on his face then disappeared. He wasn't Lucien anymore, he was a different person.

The noise from behind us distracted him. He turned and saw some guys watching. He let me go and faced them. "can we share your food with you" one said smirking slyly. Two other ones grabbed me, they were really fast. Lucien turned and looked at me, his slowly changed back to normal except his eyes. "let go of her" he ordered softly but they laughed "you'll have to pass through us" the one that talked before, I guess his their leader, said.

I struggled but it was no use. I trust no one now. My life was at stake. He began to fight them, it was quick. He killed their leader first, the guys that held me left me to fight him. I quickly ran off. I need help, from a human being. I ran as far from them as possible. "help!, someone please" I screamed as tears dropped. The road was narrow with trees at both side. "please" I chocked from the tears that poured freely. I slowed down. A hand touched mine and I screamed but my mouth was covered. The person spinner me to face him.


I forcefully withdrew from his grip. "I'm sorry". I sensed the guilt in his voice. He now grey eyes stared at me intensively. I felt so drown to him so sorry for him. "I lost control of myself and it turned out you were there, I shouldn't have..."

"it's actually my fault" I said and hugged his hard torso. I didn't even thank him for the surprise visit. "thanks for the flowers, it was beautiful" I whispered.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter, if you really did, you can always vote for it.

Actually the description of his mother is  a woman in reality.

My mum, not that she's dead or anything 😂. She's just amazing.

What about you? Drop your thoughts.

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