Chapter Twenty one

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The Devil's Triangle......



She parked her car in front of a small building, I can't believe she made me follow her into the woods and here she was, this is a mistake, why don't I believe her my guts can't lie about this. Guess I'll find out.

I followed her inside the building. "whoa!" it's freaking huge, what kind of house is this? People were everywhere as if they're preparing for a large occasion or something. After greating the a couple of people, she jogged upstairs. I snock in and followed her. It's a good thing that no one actually noticed me. She entered a hall with a guy inside. He was waiting for her. I stood behind a pillar and watched carefully. Firstly, she bowed, which makes sense, this whole place is a palace. Then, she said something to him, he smiled at her and pinned her to the wall. I suddenly felt my body move towards them.

"sir, you should be at the party, your in the wrong room" I heard from behind. I paused and turned to see a girl. She was dressed in some kind of clothing, I actually saw some other girls, maybe she's his mistress. I cleared my throat and glanced at Tiger, she was gone. "where's the party?" I asked moving with the flow. "right this way sir" she walked out and I followed her. At least there'll be food cause I'm starving.


"I guess my father hasn't changed from all this social events, this place hasn't even changed at all" I muttered and grabbed a brown cloak, they were having a party and I wasn't invited. I kicked the body that layed on the floor, this one's too curious for my liking, he wouldn't let me be.

I walked passed some bodyguards in the hallway leading to a room, they were the only ones there, they kept on talking about how amazing this season's event is gonna be. Well, I'm in luck. "sorry, but I don't know we're the ceremony is?" I formed an accent and they bought it "he can show you" one of them said pointing at the other one. I nodded and followed, suddenly there was a hand on my left shoulder "hold on" he turned me to face them, I watched as their face turned pale. "the banished prince" one said, I smiled and grabbed one by the throat "it's been fourteen years fellows, who missed me?" I ripped his throat off and turned to the other two. "where is she?"


They chained my hands and feet like the prisoner I was. Guarded by bodyguards, I was led to an open field with people surrounding it. They gave way for me as I passed through in the middle of the bodyguards. As soon as I got to the center were a pillar stood, I was pushed towards it. I lost balance and fell bruising my knee. I winced as one pulled me and tied my chains around the pillar. One of them kicked my legs in a way that I fell with my hands still tied up there. Everything became quiet, I rested my head on it feeling the roughness of it.

"I present, the Devil's moon" a guy yelled as everyone screamed and cheered, "our beloved, King George the great" they all bowed as he walked in and sat on his throne. I stared at him as he gestured the man to continue. " our faithful and loyal, Prince Rex" They cheered as he sat on the small chair close to his father. I could now see the resemblance, Lucien looks nothing like these blood sucking demons. "you shouldn't be on that throne Rex, your brother is better than you, and you so called beloved king of insanity, you're a fucking asshole" I yelled as some soldiers kicked me, they kept on until I was bleeding. The prince stood up and walked towards me. They left me and watched. He crouched to me level with an evil smile plastered on his face. "you shouldn't have said that to my father, it's just getting started and understand this, your lover boy is a fucking coward, he can't even kill a fly so no one's coming for you" I spat on his face "his coming, and when he comes his going to kill you and your freaking weak father" I snarled. There was a sharp pain on my cheek, it hurt real bad. He slapped me then cleaned the saliva off his face with the towel that a maid brought. He stood up and walked out. "guard the palace, no one comes in and no one goes out" he yelled and sat on his throne.


As I got in, they shut the door and locked it. The people were more than I expected, they filled the whole field. I squeezed myself through the crowd and finally got to where I could see.

My face turned pale. I couldn't move, I was in shock, I held my chest and watched. She layed on the floor, blood all over her. What have I done. I was played, by Tiger.

They rolled a cart filled with whips. One of the soldiers grabbed one and whipped her, I winced and looked away as tears rolled down my eyes, was I dreaming, they whipped her again and again. I finally heard her wince. Blood dripped from her back. A maid took a cup and filled it with her blood then gave the king. He drank it revealing those vainlike lines on his face. Another person held a fire torch as the moon shown above us. It looked different and unnatural. The moon was golden, black birds circled it, the other guy circled the fire on the dry grasses. It surrounded only where they whipped her.

I squeeze myself through and ran through the crowd pushing the guy that whipped her. I gave him several punches on the face. The ran to were she layed. I heard her face to look at me, she was crying silently, she looked surprised and scared at the same time. "hold on, I'm going to save you" I said and grabbed a stone the hit the chain. She coughed "Caleb" she muttered my name, "your.... eyes.... your one of them" she said. I paused and stared at her. I can't keep on lieing to her. I'm not the only human she could trust again. I'm not human anymore "I'm going to save you" I said and continued hitting the chain. They held me and kicked me. I tried fighting them off but they were too much.


"no...... don't you dare touch her, she has done nothing to be treated this way." he yelled as they took him away. I let my tears run as he got out of sight. I heard laughter, Rex laughed and stood up, "this is wonderful" he said and smiled along with it. "don't hurt him" I chocked out of the tears that brimmed my eyes. "what did you say princess" he asked "don't hurt him". He laughed again "a little louder"

"I said don't hurt him" I yelled as more tears brimmed out. I was crying out. I guess that's what he wanted. He sat back down and signaled them to carry on. I screamed as they continued, I couldn't endure the pain any longer.


"Fuck you" I yelled banging the prison gates. It was dark and smelt awful. I heard footsteps, it stopped in front of the gates.

"you should have listened to me" I heard a familiar voice say, I knew she'd come. "you played me, I thought it was love" she leaned down so I could now see her face. "No, I compelled you"


A/N: 😱😱 I'm loving this. It just keeps getting better and better.

I know there are errors, so please if you won't mind them. Keep on reading, and also.......

Drop your thoughts.... 😘 😘 😘 😘

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