Chapter Four

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I layed on my bed thinking of what happened today.

"They will be looking for you"

It kept ringing in my head. I wonder what's going on.

My belly started pleading for food. I'm regretting why I didn't finish eating that splendid food offered to me.

I hate regrets.

I sluggishly slipped out of bed and strolled to the kitchen. I opened the fridge but there was a knock on the door.

I let out a frustrating groan then closed it and sighed before walking to the door. I peeked through the door hole.

Four guys stood waiting for me to open up for them.

"who's there?" i asked making sure I'm safe.

"we're inspectors" I heard one say.

Hmm! Maybe Hallie reported to the police about what happened. Love her so much.

I opened the door and shifted to the side so they would enter. Two entered while the other two stood at the door.

I stared at them before closing the door. As I closed the door, they grabbed me and covered my mouth.

I screamed but it was In vain. One of them began tieing my hands behind while the other stood in my front covering my mouth. I kicked him and struggled loose.

I ran to the door but he was already there standing. Weird again. We're all this kind of people coming from.

He flinged me and I landed on two of my flower vases. They broke in the process making me bleed all over.

They began to laugh as I struggled with the pain.

"you think you can escape us? Your A+ for godsake"

I coughed out and winced as tears brimmed out. What's the big deal

"get the ropes before I go crazy Charles" he said to the funny looking guy then leaned down with as a sly smirk on his face.

"So beautiful and delicious at the same time. I can't just get enough" he said and licked the side of my head where blood trailed down.

His smile became wider as he looked back at me. Some freakish blue vainlike lines appeared all over his face as if he was digesting the blood.

My breathe began to cease bit by bit as I forced air out of my mouth. I was too weak to scream. And fear was consuming me.

He stood up and turned to where sounds was coming from. Immediately his neck was grabbed.

His here and he came back for me. Yay!.

"WHERE IS SHE?" I heard as my eyes came in contact with some angry red ones. He threw the guy away and ran to me.

I coughed and blood followed, pouring out from my mouth.

"hold on" he said and his hands went to my side then forcefully removed what I never noticed till now. It was one large piece of the broken ceramic which was from the flower vase. No wonder I was bleeding so much.

I watched as the one that he threw me stood up and charged for him.

He immediately brushed him with his leg but the guy was still consistently getting up. I watched the way he fought. So talented and fast but I couldn't see the rest of the movie as my vision blurred into darkness.



"where is the package?" the king calmly asked. But the two dumbass that were speared their life shook their head while in their bowing position.

RARE TOUCH (Needs Serious Editing) Where stories live. Discover now