Absence of the feeling

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The fairytale wedding in my head always ends with me telling Marian that I told her so but my reality is that someone ruined my wedding and whoever it is, is brave. It was almost the perfect fairytale…excluding the fireballs and my broken bones.

I am the daughter of King Duo of Dungu kingdom and Jurian is the son of king Fedu of Fefe kingdom.

A few months back Uka the messenger of the gods sent forth a message to both kingdoms saying that they must form a union to strengthen both kingdoms as there had been a lot of weaknesses from both sides.

My father and Fedu had refused as they thought that forming a union meant that they would have to work together but Uka later consulted the gods again and the gods had said that the best way to form a union is for Jurian and I to get married.

Imagine that, even the gods knew that Jurian is for me…Marian needs to get on the same page as the gods, and my heart because it has wanted this for so long.

Fefe kingdom is the kingdom that makes dreams and appropriate desires come true for the people on earth and Dungu kingdom is the one that strengthens bonds through love, marriage and friendships.

The union meant that we could carry out our tasks all so well because as of late we had been having issues with creating bonds between people, people ceased to love one another on earth, no meaningful bonds were being formed but that is because we had enemies that had gotten powerful so Uka had said we had to form a union in order to strengthen our bonds.

The gods believe that relationships that are healthy can contribute in a major way to the dreams that people have and I believe that too. I mean me and Jurian forming a bond contributes to my dreams…so the gods must be wise.

“My princess I need you to tell me if you can feel this” James my doctor says as he tries to move my leg and I feel a slight pinch of pain and then I wince which confirms to him that I can feel that.

“Okay thank goodness so no permanent damage was done, I did put a cast on your leg but it should be taken off after a few days” he says and I nod and then I look at my hand and I see my wedding ring…yes, at least something good did

I try to lift my hand up but my ring finger ceases to move without assistance, I decide to pinch it but I feel nothing, it exerts no form of pain and it has no form of movement…



“I cannot feel my finger” I panic.


“Uka tell us now what is wrong with my daughter’s finger and what the hell happened at her wedding? Who ruined it?” My father demands to know as he looks at me while I lay in bed in tears.

I guess even thought the wedding was for the kingdom my father still wanted it to go well...

What is the use of having a ring that I have always wanted on a finger that I cannot even feel? It is like having the man you have always wanted but he
does not love you the way that you had expected him to...not a nice feeling at all, I happen to be experiencing both.

Uka looks at my father and then he gestures that they talk outside and he just gives me a brief look before they both head outside to discuss my
condition…seriously? Why must they be secretive when in actual fact they are discussing my predicament?

“I know this is hard but you need to calm down girl just wipe those tears away”

Marian says to me and I just look at her with a blank face…she will never
understand what it feels like to have your dreams in your hands and not even feel like you are carrying any load…not even feel that your dreams have come true.

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