Steven: I have mixed feelings about this right now. On the one hand, I wanted it to be a surprise for everyone, but on the other hand, I don't know if I was right not to let anyone know I was coming home tonight. I'm worried about how my dad and the Gems are going to take my return.

[Steven drives in to the beach.]

Steven: Well, what's done is done.

[Nervous, anxious, Steven gets out of the Dondai, heart racing.]

Steven: *takes a deep breath* You can do it, Steven.

[Steven pulls himself together and walks up to the beach house, looks in the window and spots Greg and the Gems playing checkers in the living room.]

Steven: What are they doing?

[Greg makes a move, then Garnet discovers a chain and captures all of Greg's pieces in one fell swoop.]

Garnet: I win.

Greg: Aw no, not again!

Steven: Oh, it's checkers. Maybe I'll join them.

Amethyst: Pretty sure you're using your future vision to predict our every move, aren't you?

Garnet: I take great offense to that statement, Amethyst. Remember, I used to be the best at the board games we played with Steven when he was just a... a kid.

Pearl: *nostalgically* Oh, Steven. Our little boy has grown up so much since then. Now, he's out there, living his adult life so far away from us.

Amethyst: Yup, I wonder what he's doing right now.

Pearl: A year has passed and we still don't know if he has found a place to settle down for good.

Garnet: It's not so easy to find a good place to call your new home, you know that very well. We found Earth and here we are, but Steven needs to take his time to think it through and make such a decision.

Greg: Yes, I know what you mean.

Pearl: Still, I have a feeling he's going to come back someday.

Greg: So do I. But even if he doesn't, we'll go wherever it takes to give him a big hug.

Amethyst: You betcha.

Steven: 'kay, I guess this is the most opportune time.*opens the door* Hello, everybody!

[Greg & the Gems gape at the sight of Steven standing in the doorway.]

Steven: I'm back!!

[Greg & the Gems run up to him and hug him, it was inevitable that tears wouldn't run down from their eyes.]

Greg: Steven, my son!!!

Pearl: *tears up* Steven, why didn't you tell us you were coming back to Beach City tonight?!?!

Amethyst: *in tears* Yeah, we would've thrown you a welcome party!

Greg: Something bad happened?

[Greg asked with a worried look on his face.]

Steven: Nothing happened. It's just... I missed you so much, all of you.

Greg: *sighs in relief* Oh, thank goodness.

Amethyst: So, how was your trip?

Pearl: What places did you visit?!

Amethyst: Which one did you like the most?!

Pearl: Did you make any new friends?!

Amethyst: What was the craziest thing you did? Did you have fun?! Did you bring back any souvenirs?!

Steven: Ok, that's too many questions.

Garnet: Understand us, Steven. You have a lot to tell us. And please don't forget every detail.

Steven: Hehe, sure thing.

【A couple of hours later.】

[Steven, Greg & the Gems are sitting on the couch.]

Amethyst: That sounds great, dude.

Steven: Yeah, I really had a wonderful time on this trip. I had some good and new experiences, I met many beautiful places and a lot of nice people.

Greg: Have you decided where to settle down yet?

Garnet: Whatever decision you make, you know we'll be there to support you in any way we can, Steven.

Steven: I haven't made a decision yet, I still have several states to visit. *he said as he let out a yawn*

Greg: *looks at his watch* Boy, time flies, it's almost midnight. Let's leave this talk for tomorrow and go to bed.

Steven: Yeah, I think we'd better. I must find a place to spend the night after all. *gets up* Well, it was nice to see you again, but I've gotta go now. *waves goodbye* See ya later.

Greg: Steven, hold on! *gets up* You can spend the night here, I'll give you back your room. I can stay in the van again, like in the ol' days.

Steven: No way! Dad, I gladly gave you my room the day I left. You got nothing to worry about me, I'm not a little kid anymore, I can manage on my own. I can sleep in a hotel or in the car if I have to. And, well, it's not like I've never done it before. *laughs* You know, a family thing, I guess.

Greg: Steven, I insist. *places his hands on Steven's shoulders* Even if you no longer live in this house, that will always be your room. I have no problem giving it back to you.

Steven: You sure?

Greg: I am more than sure, my son.

Steven: Well, in that case, I'm off to bed now; it's been a long trip, you know. I'll unpack tomorrow.

Pearl: Then we'll resume this talk tomorrow, Steven.

Steven: Sure thing.

Greg: G'night, Schtu-ball.

Amethyst: Sleep tight, buddy!

Steven: Thanks! Same to you!

[Steven, with a smile on his face, walks into his room.]

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